Anti-fascists snub victim’s son

Omar Nabi’s father was killed on March 15 2019, today while counter protesting the Counterspin Media #FreeSpeech case outside the Christchurch courts, anti-fascists snub victim’s son. Today Counterspin Media were back in court over an accusation that they had shared a link to an overseas media organisation’s website that was making a series of documentaries… Continue reading Anti-fascists snub victim’s son

Christchurch shooting media mis-information

There has been much Christchurch shooting media mis-information and dis-information in New Zealand when our media discuss motives for the attack. As you can tell from our earlier articles, overseas media have not had this problem. If you were to ask Google for what motivated Brenton Tarrant, the only NZ media item to show on… Continue reading Christchurch shooting media mis-information

Antifa denigrate Wellington Muslims

Once again Antifa denigrate Wellington Muslims! This time by silencing those who stand with those who have been hurt by this government. New Zealand Muslims have been as adversely affected by this government’s mismanaged lock-downs as much as any other Kiwi, possibly more-so. Some have lost their jobs or their businesses, missed weddings and funerals,… Continue reading Antifa denigrate Wellington Muslims

NZ media promote terrorism by encouraging sjw’s

NZ media promote terrorism by encouraging sjw’s. This promotion of social justice warrior ‘research’, as well as promotion and coverage of their demonstrations, creates a very strong terrorist support network here in New Zealand. Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen, the LynnMall terrorist, was daily encouraged by the New Zealand news media broadcast of the NZ based… Continue reading NZ media promote terrorism by encouraging sjw’s

Another NZ terror attack is coming

Patrick Gower’s “On Hate” documentary predicts another NZ terror attack is coming, probably because he’s trying to manufacture one with a documentary that doesn’t address any issues raised by the Christchurch  attack on March 15th 2019. We are no longer naive enough to think the Christchurch terror attack could be a one-off. As part of… Continue reading Another NZ terror attack is coming