Student caught viewing video

A 16yo student caught viewing video footage of the Christchurch mosque shooting has been disciplined, all apparently for a video which was reported as being edited beyond recognition anyway. Incidentally, the Dunedin Mosque video that sparked the incident is still widely circulated by Muslims around the world. This from Auckland college student caught viewing… Continue reading Student caught viewing video

FIANZ upset they’re not controlling NZ Govt intel

FIANZ upset they’re not controlling NZ Govt intel, are complaining that their march 15 recommendations have not been implemented yet. If you click the FIANZ tag on this page, you’ll see why it shouldn’t matter that FIANZ upset they’re not controlling NZ Govt intel!! A new national intelligence and security agency has not yet been… Continue reading FIANZ upset they’re not controlling NZ Govt intel

NZ rewards foreign ISIS jihadi

Suhayra Aden (right)

Enough Kiwi’s have been recruited by Muslims here and sent to their deaths overseas, and now this govt of NZ rewards foreign ISIS jihadi at the request of local islamics. She’d be a perfect bride for Mark John Taylor, another ISIS returnee who got away scot-free!  Meanwhile, if you share a video and you’re a… Continue reading NZ rewards foreign ISIS jihadi

Muslims ignore their own atrocities

New Zealand Muslims ignore their own atrocities when discussions come to how to live peacefully here in New Zealand. They know for decades they have recruited for terrorist activities here,  that record is the 1000 pages on this site. Now after someone has gone to so much trouble to bring this to the worlds attention,… Continue reading Muslims ignore their own atrocities

Net giants angered anti-terror hui

Net giants angered anti-terror hui attendees over their slow responses to action Islamic take-down requests. Yet Jacinda Ardern refuses to address what the NZ media have revealed was the root cause for the Christchurch shooting that killed 51 people in March 2019, nor have they scrubbed Islamic sites of the propaganda that triggered Tarrant to… Continue reading Net giants angered anti-terror hui