Byron Clark’s Arab Spring support revealed

You have nothing to fear from the right/alt-right/far-right/always-right of New Zealand’s political spectrum. It was an invite by Isaac, a.k.a. Te Amorangi Kireka-Whaanga, of the Avondale (now Blockhouse Bay) mosque’s Aotearoa Maori Muslim Association, that was the catalyst for the creation of this website. Isaac was recruiting for what would be known as the Arab… Continue reading Byron Clark’s Arab Spring support revealed

What’s Jacinda Ardern hiding?

The overseas media narratives of the Christchurch mosque shooting on March 15 2019 was so remarkably different than that of the NZ media narrative. We are therefore obligated to ask “What’s Jacinda Ardern hiding?”. Her desperate and soon to be global ‘hate speech’ laws affect everyone. For what reason and by who’s authority did these… Continue reading What’s Jacinda Ardern hiding?

New Zealander leads Taliban PR

That Abdul Qahar Balkhi, a New Zealander, leads Taliban PR, is in no way a surprise. The faithful Muslims of Hamilton have long been involved in sponsoring terrorism for several decades, as this website testifies. NZ is one of the few Western countries where Muslisms can freely fund raise and the trade unions mobilise a… Continue reading New Zealander leads Taliban PR

NZ prepares for more ISIS families to return

As the government of NZ prepares for more ISIS families to return, it continues to sponsor organisations that encourage it’s members to “fight until there is no more unbelief and religion is of Allah” and “kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and unbelief is worse than… Continue reading NZ prepares for more ISIS families to return

ISIS terrorist won’t face charges in NZ

Turkey, itself a propagator of global jihad and Islamic State, classifies Suhayra Aden as an ISIS terrorist, however according to NZ appeasement, this ISIS terrorist won’t face charges in NZ when she arrives. Aden is not the first, Mark John Taylor got back scot-free, while Kiwi’s are in jail for speaking against the Islamic global… Continue reading ISIS terrorist won’t face charges in NZ