Clark seeks end of Terrorism Suppression Act

SJW links far right with LynnMall terrorist attack

When Byron Clark, a high ranking SJW affectionately known as S#itter Muppet, was asked to analyise the LynnMall terrorist Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen’s actions with the same feral SJW ignorance that he regularly attacks whites with, he obliged in spectacular fashion! Being part of the Paparoa story sharing group, Clark makes several references to their shared socialist agenda in his piece. He links far right with LynnMall terrorist attack, not the Quran!

Byron was asked if he “would “delve into this guy’s [Samsudeen’s] faith and ideology like you do with white supremacists”. The question was not asked in good faith… “, and his 1500 word first year university style essay appears below this analysis.

Clark’s first sentence, that NZ had not experienced a terrorist attack in his lifetime, was obviously written while medicated. If Byron Clark was old enough to stand for political election in 2008, incidentally campaigning to remove the terrorism act, he should remember Asha Abdille stabbed both pilots on an Air New Zealand flight from Blenheim to Christchurch in February 2008. This was just months before his political speech. Granted, medication may dull the memory, but Ruairi Allah-Akbar Kern Taylor from Gore in 2019 was in the media for a while while Clark was writing about ‘white’ terrorism. New Zealand has experienced many Quran inspired act’s of domestic terrorism in recent years, often passed off as ‘mental-illness’. Byron’s first sentence is taqiyya.

There’s been no end to the Wiremu Curtis‘ and Jordayne Evan Thomas Madams‘ arrested by NZ police for their desires to follow their prophet. Isaac had over 1000 local followers on just one of his many social media accounts even after he rebranded as Islamic State in New Zealand.

The clue as to how deep Clark eventually will ‘delve’ in this response is found in the statement,”like you do with white supremacists“.

Clark did not even dig deep enough into Tarrant’s motivations to discover that local Canterbury Muslims assumed he was one of them after their conversations during his visits to their mosque. Amusingly Byron would probably have even retweet’s the “hello brother” comments without any understanding why they were made. He retweets almost everything made by one of the local Islamic propaganda jihadi.

Islamic State Watch has at least 3 different articles quoting Canterbury Islamics covering Tarrant’s visits to the mosque from the time of his arrival here in NZ until that tragic day, one even detailing his clothing. It’s no surprise that the radical Muslims wear cammo, as you can tell from videos of recent Islamic demonstrations throughout NZ in favour of Jewish genocide, they like wearing cammo. Tarrant was perfectly at home.

When local Muslims recruit, they invite their prospect to ‘check out Islam’, and Tarrant had clearly done that. If only we knew what that last message he heard at the Canterbury mosque was, we may have more insight as to why he did what he did.

Apart from two sentences where Clark claims “The study of Islamic extremism is important and necessary, I don’t believe I am the person to do that work. These extremists come from cultures I’m not part of and adhere to a religion I wasn’t raised in, not to mention that they often communicate with each other in languages I don’t speak“, he shows no understanding of Islamic terrorism at all in this country or abroad.

Byron Clark, the Quran is available in English, at least do those you jihad for the honour of reading their holy book. Show them at least that much respect, PLEASE! If you get through that then there’s the hadiths, and the biography of the prophet. Then you’ll understand terrorism.

That Clark claims not to know much about his Islamic subject is a surprising admission since for over a decade Byron Clark has been actively defending Islamic terrorists coming into New Zealand and assimilating into our welfare systems. Not only campaigning against the Terrorism act which was introduced after 911, but also campaigning against those trying to stop the laws which kept Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen in the country when he wanted to leave. Clark has spent these last years actively campaigning on behalf of Islamic terrorists at every stage of the battle to keep them out.

An example is his video in support of the Global Migration Compact, where he again targets the individuals below in this article about the LynMall terrorist.

Clarks twitter and patreon accounts are full of the supporters of the Aotearoa Maori Muslim Association that regularly get out and protest at every Islamic event which supports Quran.

Clark also misses the point that Action Zealandia themselves make, that they arose in response to the unfettered promotion of foreign terrorism in this country by those SJW’s such as Byron Clark!

Byron Clark’s superior research skills lead him to his main point, a 250% rise in white terror attacks over a period of 6 years. This is his main point – White is evil, but he doesn’t mention any figures. His source does. “Mr Killelea said far-right groups including neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalists and white supremacists were responsible for a total of 89 deaths in 2019… But 51 of those deaths occurred in a single incident when a gunman opened fire in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.”

89 deaths in a year. 89. More people die every month in Islamic terror attacks around the world. Last week’s total was 263. This data from

SJW links far right with LynMall terrorist

But Byron Clark is keeping himself employed by making an issue of 89 white-attack deaths in a whole year, and 51 of those attributed to someone whom local Canterbury Muslims previously considered a ‘brother‘. During 2019 there were 1762 Islamic attacks in 54 countries, in which 10523 people were killed and 10725 injured.

For the record, many prominent international Islamic academics agree with the NZ ‘far right’ on it’s Islamic issues.

Anti-white, anti-everything, he’s oft called out by various women for his cowardice.

So who DOES he represent? Only the current globalist gov’t?

Byron has clearly researched very hard to earn his reputation as one of this country’s highest ranked SJW’s attempting to push the Islamic cause along by cancelling opposition. This article below appears to be the cumulative highlight of the research of ‘S#itter Muppet’.

Clark’s essay:

Researching the Far-Right and the LynnMall Terror Attack

Before the Christchurch shooting in 2019, New Zealand had not experienced a terrorist attack in my lifetime. While the risk of another terror attack was described by the Security Intelligence Service as medium, meaning an attack was feasible and could well occur, the stabbing of seven people by an ISIS inspired terrorist at an Auckland supermarket still came as a shock.

I was asked on Twitter, just hours after the attack, if I would “delve into this guy’s faith and ideology like you do with white supremacists”. The question was not asked in good faith- the account it came from has a history of Tweeting out Islamophobia- but stripped of that context it’s not a question entirely without merit.

Between 2015 and 2020, far-right terror attacks increased by 250%– despite the overall number deaths from terrorism falling during those years. In the US, the Department of Homeland Security now considers white supremacist terrorists the greatest threat and far-right extremism is also considered a growing threat in the UK and Australia.

Jihadi terrorism peaked in 2014 and has been declining since, but this doesn’t mean there is no threat from terrorists motivated by this kind of ideology, as was made abundantly clear to New Zealand last week. Extremism researchers who study both the far-right and Islamic extremism have noted the reciprocal relationship between the two. This is outlined by Institute for Strategic Dialogue researcher Julia Ebner in her book The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism.

Ebner has spoken about the shared narrative between these groups, who both believe that there is a war going on between Islam and the West, but just think they are fighting on different sides of that war. She has compared this to the movie franchise Star Wars– you can be the light side or the dark side of ‘The Force’, but both sides are living in the same fantasy world.

The shared fantasy world was apparent in the Telegram posts of Action Zealandia, New Zealand’s most extreme white supremacist group, in the days following the LynnMall attack. Action Zealandia claimed the attacker was specifically targeting Europeans and called the event “the natural outcome of multiculturalism. Forcing different cultures with competing beliefs together”. They then quoted the poem Stranger by Rudyard Kipling:

The Stranger within my gates, He may be evil or good, But I cannot tell what powers control– What reasons sway his mood; Nor when the Gods of his far-off land Shall repossess his blood. 

The men of my own stock, Bitter bad they may be, But, at least, they hear the things I hear, And see the things I see; And whatever I think of them and their likes They think of the likes of me

In a warped way these words, from colonialism’s unofficial poet laureate, remind me why I, a P?keh? man in white settler state, have dedicated so much of my time to researching and educating people about the local far-right since the terror attack in my hometown. The study of Islamic extremism is important and necessary, I don’t believe I am the person to do that work. These extremists come from cultures I’m not part of and adhere to a religion I wasn’t raised in, not to mention that they often communicate with each other in languages I don’t speak. Whereas Action Zealandia, bitter bad though they may be, are men of my own stock.

When an Islamic terror attack occurs Muslims are quick to provide condemnation as happened in this case. When a white terrorist carries out an atrocity there is not the same impetus for white people to condemn them, though I would argue it is necessary for us to do so, not just condemning the atrocity itself, but also the power structures that allowed it to happen.

Stark differences are apparent between the two terror attacks that New Zealand has experienced in the past three years. When the LynnMall attacker began to consume ISIS propaganda, and posted what RNZ described as “anti-Western, pro-Isis, extremist content” on Facebook, he quickly came to the attention of authorities and was later found guilty on two charges of possessing propaganda that promoted terrorism. Resulting from this he was under close surveillance from police for years leading up to his attack.

The propaganda consumed by the Christchurch terrorist was not legally classified as objectionable material. The Royal Commission report into the shooting found his radicalisation came largely from content consumed on YouTube, in particular videos from Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern, who’s channels he had donated money to. Molyneux and Southern had come to New Zealand on a speaking tour the year prior to the Christchurch shooting. While the pair were denied a venue to speak on account of their abhorrent views, a group of prominent New Zealanders, including a former leader of the opposition, formed a new group to raise money for a legal challenge against Auckland City Council for denying them a venue, raising $50,000.

Unlike the LynnMall attacker, the Christchurch shooter did not come to the attention of authorities for his Facebook posts, which included being active in groups run by Australian far-right organisations, and sending a threatening message to a critic of one of those organisations- an incident that was reported to Australian police, who took no action. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation told the royal commission that prior to carrying out the massacre in 2019 the shooter “had not been identified” by it, “nor was he the subject of an … investigation”.

When he moved to New Zealand, the shooter obtained a firearms license, and amassed a cache of weapons and ammunition, avoiding suspicion even when he accidently shot himself, or when concerns were raised with police about the gun club where he practiced shooting. On March 15, 2019 he was able to drive unimpeded from Dunedin to Christchurch with his arsenal. I can’t help but wonder how different that day would have turned out had the shooter been under the same intense police surveillance as the LynnMall terrorist.

There has been increased scrutiny on the far-right from authorities. An NZDF soldier is awaiting court martial on multiple espionage charges. An Action Zealandia member was arrested in the lead up to the first anniversary of the Christchurch shooting in relation to a threat to the same mosque that was targeted, and another man was arrested a year later after a 4chan post detailing a plan to detonate car bombs outside the Linwood and Al Noor mosques on the two year anniversary of the 15 March attack.

That arrest only occurred after a tip off from Paparoa, a group that tracks white supremacy and extremism online. Paparoa told RNZ this raised serious questions about what involvement the security agencies had in the operation, prompting Andrew Little, the minister responsible for the GCSB and SIS, to state that the country’s spy agencies can’t constantly monitor the internet to identify terror threats and instead rely on the public.

Far-right social media has been quick to react to the LynnMall attack. Former New Conservative Party leader Elliot Ikilei, a man who has repeatedly denied the Christchurch shooter was a white supremacist took to Telegram with an image contrasting the response to the 2019 terror attack, (“Christchurch call, media saturation of ‘white supremacy’”) with the 2021 attack, (“…?”). The image also featured, as these right-wing memes often do, a photo of Jacinda Ardern in a hijab.

Mike Allen, the Christchurch man who in 2019 threatened to “destroy mosque after mosque until they take me out” and raised money for the ACT Party (a donation David Seymour has defended keeping) took to Facebook with similar memes, and blamed the LynnMall attack on Patrick Gower’s On Hate documentary, which he claimed had incited hatred against white people. Allen it should be noted, has retained his firearm license and guns despite the threat he made in 2019, and his ongoing promotion of Islamophobic material.

Lee Williams, the far-right YouTuber who was fired from his job for his racist videos and has now returned to the UK, posted a video to Telegram claiming the government is “weak in the face of Islamic extremism” and that “These same bastards in govt and media keep pumping out white supremacy is the greatest threat. They know full well there’s no such thing.” Williams still retains his YouTube channel, but posts his most incendiary videos to Telegram, linking to them from tamer YouTube videos, a way to promote hate via YouTube while skirting a ban from the platform.

Damien de Ment, a Qanon conspiracy theorist who was inspired by the January six riots in Washington DC and recently called for an uprising to overthrow Jacinda Ardern used the opportunity to drum up xenophobia, claiming “Jacinda Ardern undoubtedly will let terrorists enter NZ as Refugees.” while linking to an article on a far-right website known for promoting covid-19 conspiracy theories, adding sarcastically “if you question that you are White Supremacist or anti Islam.”

Far from leading me to the view that an attack inspired by ISIS should mean diverting some attention away from New Zealand’s far-right, recent events have shown that if anything, they should be subject to more scrutiny. As the right looks to exploit a tragedy in order to promote agendas of hate, I’ll still be watching.

Byron Clark is a video essayist whose work focuses on New Zealand’s far-right and conspiracy theory scene

*Stay turned for the next article from on how the NZ media encouraged the LynMall terrorist and his friends by publicising SJW’s.


  1. S#itter Muppet doesnt deserve this much attention. He is just another grifter with a patreon account he hopes will get him out of his s#itty dead end job.

  2. Nobody died at two Mosques in Christchurch on March 15 2019
    It was a complete fabrication and fraud
    False Flag attack
    Proven by forensics

    1. People still die in false flag events.It’s just the motivation that people is questioning. We know the majority of Islamic terrorism is between Islamic sects within each country – the koran commands them to kill those who are not real followers of the prophet. According to NZ Muslims, he was considered a brother, we can only accept them at their word.

  3. Shame he’s too young to remember the Rainbow Warrior, but he should have remembered the others since they were all down his way.

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