Netsafe successfully took down

Netsafe successfully took down

New Zealand’s government sponsored internet monitoring company Netsafe successfully took down, albeit momentarily, while our office was closed over the Easter break.

Netsafe successfully took down

When contacted and asked why Netsafe didn’t first contact this site as their online diagram of a resolution procedure implies they would have, we were told in no uncertain terms that Netsafe does not negotiate with offenders.

Offenders being defined in their email to our web host as including:
activities prohibited by the laws of the United States and/or foreign territories in which You conduct business; activities designed to encourage unlawful behavior by others, such as hate crimes, terrorism and child pornography; activities that are tortious, vulgar, obscene, invasive of the privacy of a third party, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable; activities designed to impersonate the identity of a third party; and activities designed to harm or use unethically minors in any way. Regards Netsafe


So let’s examine their complaint in more detail.

Complaint Summary: Hello, Netsafe is an online safety organisation based in New Zealand. Please have a read of our work here – . We have received a report from a concerned member of the public regarding Islamophobic and hateful content shared on the website noted above. This website has been used to share harmful and distressing content that claims the Quran, sharia law and Muslims have contributed to the recent terror attacks in New Zealand.

Detailed Complaint: Hello, Highlights from this page – that contribute to Islamaphobia and hate speech towards Muslims.


The complaint then went on to copy and paste the text from the above page, but removing the verses quoted form Quran, hadiths and local New Zealand based media articles, which provide any and every context for the article. All of which is publicly available from other NZ media.

For those that have not read Dear Muslims of New Zealand, it was a written report of the in-person visit NZ Police made to Islamic State Watch after the LynnMall Terrorist attack. It details the history and reasoning behind this site. NZ police recorded the audio of this visit on their mobile phone, at our request.

Of all the 1000+ pages on this site to complain about, it was the one which was emailed to NZ police as a record of their visit!

Let’s for a moment refer to the complaint above again “claims the Quran, sharia law and Muslims have contributed to the recent terror attacks in New Zealand.”

The complainant is obviously distressed at this, but seems unaware of the facts behind the LynnMall terror attack, committed by a Muslim, who was living at an Auckland Mosque and was clearly following what he read in the Quran. Sharia means ‘well worn path’ and refers to Islamic law, ie:  following the path of their prophet.

There is a page in the menu above linked “Education” from which you can download a copy of the Quran, in English, the first book of the most popular hadiths Al-Bukhari, also in English, and the Sirah, the biography of the prophet, likewise in English.

The page of the Netsafe complaint was written after NZ police came to us with accusations that we had caused, and been responsible for, the LynnMall terrorist attack. This allegation came from the NZ Islamic community and motivated us to look further into the actions of Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen. To us, it appeared, if anything, he had been prompted by a television feature by Patrick Gower which had screened a couple of days earlier, and implied that the behaviour of white people here in New Zealand was justification for retaliation by the Islamic community. Interestingly, this has been noted around the world, and by dozens of other websites here in New Zealand also.

Patrick Gower has a long history of reporting on jihad in NZ, almost two decades.

Yet the complainant to Netsafe seems oblivious to the background motivations of Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen.

What was clear from the way the Quran passages were left out of their copy and paste of the page was that it’s not what Muslims believe, and behave like, that is offensive, it’s that Westerners object to those beliefs and behaviors.

When this website is eventually taken down, it will become a book, a reference library of the History of Islam in New Zealand that will make Abdullah Drury’s work seem like a university paper. The FIANZ press release from page 139 of his work makes the first article of this site, along with an example of the sexual brutality to children espoused by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran’s leader during this time of establishing our trade with his nation.

For the record, Khomeini’s sharia is no less offensive that that being retailed here in NZ. Sharia is based on the Quran, and the sharia law retailed here in NZ is sickening to say the least.

It’s not offensive to New Zealand Muslims that this material is available from Mt Roskill here in NZ.

It’s not offensive to Netsafe that this material is available from Mt Roskill here in New Zealand.

It’s not offense for the home based store to advertise it online from Mt Roskill here in New Zealand, and is still advertised on their site, right now (the date this is page posted)!

It is however, offensive if let you know what New Zealand Muslims are up to.

Yes, as you can tell from the page they complained about, NZ Police are aware of this material being offered for sale here in New Zealand.

Let’s be very clear, is not promoting child sexual offending, we are speaking out against it being seen as acceptable (even to NZ Govt eg: Netsafe) sharia here in New Zealand, and many of the 1000+ pages on this site demonstrate it’s practice here under sharia.

Finally, it should be noted that not all Muslims in New Zealand follow Islam, and not all Muslims in New Zealand are knowledgeable about Islam. However, these are perhaps the most dangerous, because they will still publicly fight and defend the honour of Islam, and they will still fight to promote Islam and Muhammad, even though they do not know or follow Quran themselves.

In a future post we will look at how Netsafe could have, and perhaps should have, responded to this complaint.

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