Incitement submission is acknowledged

Incitement submission is acknowledged by NZHRC

On Thursday 5th of August we emailed in our submission to the New Zealand Human Rights Commission on the new Hate Speech laws that local Muslims are demanding after March 15th. So it’s with great appreciation that we can say that our incitement submission is acknowledged officially by the NZHRC. You can read the full submission we made via an emailed .pdf here:

We would like to thank all who proof-read and made suggestions for improvement of the original text of our submission on the Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination. It’s thanks to you that now our incitement submission is acknowledged by the NZHRC!

We’d also like to thank those who make regular contributions of $5 or more every few months, it’s of great encouragement that others feel this message is worth supporting.

Incitement submission is acknowledged

Our email to the New Zealand Human Rights Commission was as follows:

To whom this may concern,

Attached is the submission of [redacted] [phone redacted]. For reasons within the submission I would like my personal name and number to be withheld from public view, but the text of the attached submission is for public view. If possible, I would like to make an oral submission on this topic.

Thanks and regards,

You can read the full submission we made via an emailed .pdf here:

Their acknowledgement was as follows:

Thursday 12th August

Good evening [redacted]

This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission on incitement of hatred and discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Your reference number is [redacted].

Please quote this number if you would like to contact us about your response.

We note your request to withhold your personal details if the submissions are published.

At this stage we are not seeking oral submissions.

If the proposals advance to the draft legislation stage, that will occur as part of the Select Committee process.

Thank you


  1. Free speech includes “hate speech”. Criticism of Islam, Allah, Muhammad and Koran is not “hate speech” but is free speech.Speech that is Incitement to violence is a criminal act. The Koran is “hate speech” and is incitement to violence, a criminal act, by a man now long dead.

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