Hello World! Islamic State Watch logo, one million page views

One million page views

Hello World! Islamic State Watch logo, one Million page views!

We must start by thanking NZ’s left wing political groups for their publicity which has enabled www.islamicstatewatch.com to reach over one million page views!

Without even realising it, some time near the end of October 2023, our www.islamicstatewatch.com website reached one million page views! This only came to light as we were changing server and decided to collate the various records from the different server platforms that we have used since we launched in 2015.

We’ve even outlasted even 3News and also newshub!

And we must thank NZ’s left wing and Islamic groups for all their publicity! If they had not complained to our original online host and had us booted from both wordpress.com and facebook at the same time, we would never have had made the effort to promote ourselves in other avenues.

We never thought for a moment we would ever reach one million page views, ever, let alone within our first decade! And in the year the Egyptian eternal Quran turns 100 years old too!!!

Our origins were documented after yet another NZ police visit just after the Lynn Mall terrorist attack in 2021, for which we were accused of provoking. Complaints at this time saw us booted off of our long term hosts without any communication whatsoever. Because we lost our social media at the same time, we had to make an effort to publicise our updates, resulting in our busiest time for site traffic being the four months that followed, with 477k page views, becoming especially popular in India and Asia. Up until this time the site had only 170k page views.

Prior to March 15, our handful of pages had been views only a couple of thousand times. And we were not interested in documenting any of March 15, until we were accused of masterminding the attack!  Will anyone pick up the recurring pattern here?

One million views from all over the world

A screenshot from 2021 shows there are very few countries that have not visited islmicstatewatch.com and contributed to our one million page views.

For the future? We still have a couple of years backlog of posts to create. There is a lot of new academic and archaeological research being published on the origins of Islam which is sure to give us another one million page views from our international audience!

And then, it’s looking like a book will be in necessary!
So what do you think was the biggest moment in NZ’s islamic history thus far?:

(Leave your number in comments please)
1. 1970’s handing over meat industry to arabs
2. 2000’s First Islamic MP sworn in on koran
3. 2003 Patrick Gowers news report of killing at Mt Roskill mosque
4. 2003 Christchurch Aotearoa Maori Muslim day (becomes eventually IS in NZ)
5. 2007 Ahmed Zaouri terrorist freedom deal
6. 2008 Air NZ hijacked by Somali Islamic
7. 2011 First Islamic chair at Auckland University.
9. 2019 Jacainds “THEY ARE US” moment on March 15
10. 2021 Lynmall terrorist attack. (*we were the first to list this as an Islamic Terrorist attack, 30 minutes before any other news media! )
11. Something else (please write in comments.)


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