Thank-you to NZHRC for your acknowledgement:
Thursday 12th August
Good evening [redacted]
This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission on incitement of hatred and discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Your reference number is [redacted].
Please quote this number if you would like to contact us about your response.
We note your request to withhold your personal details if the submissions are published.
At this stage we are not seeking oral submissions.
If the proposals advance to the draft legislation stage, that will occur as part of the Select Committee process.
Thank you
(In time our submission will be posted here – when the hyperlinks are fully linked, this note will be removed)
An ironic title for a letter to parliament on the “Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination” protecting Islam: Submission. Islam means “submission”.
The author requests anonymity as family are still within the greater NZ Islamic community and could suffer backlash as is common in similar situations overseas when people speak out about Islam.
Executive Summary:
This submission is against the proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination as they currently stand, for the following reasons:
Submission point 1: Quran is a highly offensive book, and Muhammad none less so.
Any new New Zealand Government legislation should ensure that Christians should be freely able to speak out to defend their faith and practice, without fear of false accusations of hate speech, where-ever and whenever local Muslims are claiming to represent the Christian God in their local Islamic practices or preaching, particularly as this is a right given to Christians via the Quran!
Submission point 2: Quran and Muhammad incite hatred and discrimination.
Any new New Zealand Government legislation should allow those currently disadvantaged and disenfranchised by Muslims to speak out against the unfair discriminatory practices and the hatred contained in Islamic literature and teachings, and Christians should still be able to freely tell their own history of living under this discrimination and hatred.
Submission point 3: Quran and Muhammad mock and ridicule those around them.
Any new New Zealand Government legislation should allow Christians to critique Islamic religious practices as they critique ours, and with the same passion that they do it!
We do concede however, that the prophet of Islam’s statement “Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler” may have some element of truth to it.
Submission background.
This submission deals with the topic of Islam within the proposed law changes. This submissions is made on behalf of,, a website born from the request of then Auckland based Muslims recruiting for what was then an al-Qaeda style club. They insisted that that I “check out Islam, check out the Quran, you’ll see it’s all true”. This began an approximately three year stint on the fringes of the Auckland Islamic community in the late 2000’s while a family member tried to recruit me to join them. This period ended after my home was burgled. I was told that Allah didn’t want me to have anything nice by the Islamic gentleman who’d tried selling me stolen goods the previous week to raise funds for their overseas trips. The police did not attend when notified on the day that the fingerprints were clearly visible.
It was during this time, while living in Avondale that I became intimately acquainted with the way Islam recruits here in New Zealand. What is said publicly in the media is not what is said privately in the mosques. NZ politicians who spoke out were labelled as racist, while young Kiwi males who were apparently offered the same overseas travel/study/marry/fight package as I was, were being killed in Yemen. Others are now being hailed as heroes for evading prosecution on their return from overseas jihad.
It was during a later religious studies degree at Auckland University that a Facebook page called Islamic State Watch – NZ was created in 2015. This was closed down by Facebook/ NZ Police after threats were made by men posting pictures of themselves and their weapons. After its closure the domain name website was created in an attempt to collect research material from NZ media sources for later essays on the Islamic influence in New Zealand at a post graduate level.
It would be great if those on this parliamentary committee could at least pay local Muslims the respect of reading the Quran, Sirah (biography of the prophet) and some of the Hadiths (collected sayings of the same), so they can understand what they are legislating on. The Quran, Sirah and Hadiths represent the earliest Islamic sources, from which all later material has been selectively drawn, depending on which image of Islam an author wants to portray. For convenience English translations of these will be hyperlinked to an online copy of this document at Any claims within this document of the behaviour of local Muslims will also be hyperlinked on that same page.
While it is true that local Muslims will claim only the Arabic version of Quran is valid, most Muslims worldwide cannot read Arabic, and the translations above are merely sanitised versions which often hide what has become the ‘controversial’ material. For example, in the Quran hyperlinked is the Pickhill English translation, and in 65.4 it uses the phrase “along with those who have it not” when referring to the divorce waiting times for child wives. The Ahmadiyya version states “the same is for such as have not had their monthly courses yet”. The Saudi official Al-Hilali & Khan version, available from the Al-Hikmah Trust, clarify the Arabic further by adding “(i.e. they are still immature)”. Al-Hikmah is a NZ registered charity who certify wanna-be recruits before the local ummah sends them overseas to study/marry/fight.
Why is which translation one uses important? Because depending on for what purpose one is being recruited to Islam, you are only educated to fulfil your purpose, and taught as much as you are required to know. Most Muslims have never read the Quran, Sirah and Hadiths, and when they do, they will frequently distance themselves from their contents, or leave Islam completely.
When Muslims recruit in New Zealand, they use the Saudi printed literature to tell Christians that their Bible has been corrupted, and their religious practices have been corrupted. The Arabic text behind the current Saudi version of the Quran was created by scholars in the 1920’s from the over three dozen existing currently available Arabic texts. It was then proclaimed as the Arabic text which was the eternally existing Arabic text in paradise. NZ Muslims use the Saudi sponsored literature to proclaim that this new Arabic text is indeed that letter for letter and dot for dot uncorrupted text replicating what is printed on the Quran in Islamic paradise.
Submission point 1: Quran is a highly offensive book, and Muhammad none less so.
Christians have observed the formulation of the Quran over the early centuries from a collection of Syrian-Aramaic heretical texts, and often pointed out how the titles of Jesus in the texts were the wrongly being translated to refer to someone who was just a man. It is because the Quran was constructed from collected Christian heresies already circulating that it is such a highly offensive book to Christians.
In the centuries as the Quran text was being distributed, a back story was then created to explain the texts. This back story became known as the Sirah and Hadiths, and likewise included many heretical texts, including how the Islamic deity appeared to the Virgin Mary in the form of a well developed male and blew into her vagina so she gave birth to baby Jesus.
Variously, the Arabic Quran tells its readers to ask Christians and Jews for help in understanding it, that the Gospels they held in their hands were authentic, and not to insult believers of other religions, lest they mock the new religion which places Muhammad as equal with their deity. To obey the words of this new prophet with this new book was to obey his deity.
This new man, Muhammad, (in Syrio-Aramaic can be “the Blessed One” – a title of Jesus) who had at least nine wives including his child bride Aisha, daughter of his good friend, whom he married when she was aged six, is promoted by local Kiwi Muslims as the perfect man for New Zealanders to base their lifestyles on. To this end, local Muslims have attempted to use our own laws to hide revelations of their child marriages here. That they used money levied from New Zealanders food purchases to defend their child marriage practices here is offensive. Islam is practised the same way in New Zealand as around the world.
According to Islamic sources, the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, will be one of Muhammad’s brides when he enters paradise. Many non-Christians will recognise that this is offensive to Christians.
The claim of NZ Muslims that Muhammad stood for women’s rights is offensive, considering he told his followers they should not flog their wives as they flogged slaves and then immediately have sex with her. Muhammad instructed that they had to sleep with their other wives, or a slave, for the remainder of that day so his flogged wife could recuperate from the flogging.
According to the imported Islamic literature Muhammad fought in at least 19 offensive battles, brought and sold back slaves for half the value of white ones, traded and encouraged the trade of sex slaves, and gave many commands on how women should be exploited for sex, including that young girls were good for sport. That this man is claimed to be a representative of the Christian God is offensive. Christians need to retain the right to be able to say this.
It is offensive that local Muslims promote Jesus as being also a jihadi, less pious than Muhammad, and that they claim that Jesus and the Hebrew prophets foretold Muhammad’s coming.
It’s offensive that local Auckland Islamic book stores sell sharia law manuals from various flavours of Islam (e.g. Sunni, Shiite) including books that graphically detail what we consider sexual crimes against baby girls as if they are common-place matters, e.g.: not having to ritually wash the baby/child if you fear her vagina has become connected with her anus after you’ve had sex with her. The “punishment” if this happens is that you need to financially provide for this baby child via marriage until either she marries someone else or she dies. This baby child counts as one of your four allowable wives.
It is because NZ Muslims are also claiming to follow the same Christian God, that their claims of the Eternal Divine nature of newly created Arabic as the Word of their deity, becomes highly offensive to Christians whose Gospels state, in John chapter 1 verses 1-18, that:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.” (N.I.V.)
Christians claim Jesus is the Eternal Word of God, a crime for which over 2000 Christians a year are still slaughtered by Muslims faithfully following the Quranic instructions to kill those who refuse to submit to their prophet. In 2015 NZ Police have witnessed and prosecuted one of many local Kiwi Muslims making threats from the Quran on the Islamic State Watch Facebook page.
It is because the Quran encourages immigration as a method of conquering the world that the Dunedin mosque posted a video boasting of the Islamic conquest through the words of the Quran on their Dunedin mosque Facebook page. This video, according to overseas news websites, was what prompted Tarrant to chose a target here in New Zealand.
It is because NZ Muslims practice and promote the same Islam as found in the Quran that Tarrant’s attack was in NZ and not overseas where, according to overseas media, Tarrant had witnessed Islamic terror attacks personally.
We have had honour killings here in New Zealand. This is offensive.
Although the Quran is a highly offensive book, this submission does not seek to ban it under these new laws, BUT seeks from the Government an assurance that Christians should not be afraid to speak out against what the Quran teaches, in the same manner as local Muslims promote what it teaches.
Any new NZ legislation should ensure that Christians should be freely able to speak out to defend their faith and practice, without fear of false accusations of hate speech, where-ever and whenever local Muslims are claiming to represent the Christian God in their local Islamic practices or preaching, particularly as this is a right given to Christians via the Quran!
Submission point 2: Quran and Muhammad incite hatred and discrimination.
Over 60% of the Quranic text is dealing with how Muslims should treat the Kaffir (unbelievers), and generally it’s extremely violent. Readers are encouraged to hate and persecute those who do not submit to Muhammad. Some of these violent parts are amongst the few that appear original to religious literature of the period. Whole chapters of Islamic literature are devoted to extremist jihad violence, with the promise supposedly of 72 virgins (or grapes) once they get to paradise.
While the Quran itself claims that if it had contradictions that it would not be from the Islamic deity, it has many contradictions.
There are a few “peaceful” verses, often quoted to pacify Western media, which contradict the majority of the text which calls for war on Kaffir until submission is complete. According to the Saudi Islamic literature imported to NZ, these contradictions are explained away because there were two periods in Islamic history. A quiet period while Muslims were a minority population, then the violence broke out once Muslims became the majority.
We are now living in the violent period.
Surprisingly there are some Muslims who claim that in his divine wisdom Muhammad revealed some texts that were already superseded (they say “abrogated”) by earlier revelations when the later ones were revealed.
This has been their pattern of conquest in recent centuries as they have conquered Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and pagan lands. Centuries after these conquests ‘treaty’ documents were forged as examples of ‘peace treaties” to later justify the jihad to a more civilised Muslim community. This mirrors how New Zealand Muslims try and water down their religious history. However we still have our own writing from the times of conquest preserved in letters and sermons detail the horrors that were happening by those who were considered godless and never spoke of religion. Recently even Chinese histories have been translated into English so we can see how the Islamic expansion developed from their perspective. Under these new proposed laws designed to protect Muslims, Christians should still be able to freely tell their own history.
That Islam in New Zealand mirrors Islam in the Quran, Sirah and Hadiths can be found in the thousands of weekly social media posts from NZ Muslims expressing support for Islamic Jihadi around the world, hatred against Western nations, hatred against Israel and hatred against anyone who dares speak out against the hatred that NZ Muslims express towards others. Islam is still a religion consisting of the same hatred found in the Quran.
The Quran encourages discrimination; some of the most obvious examples are that a Muslim cannot have Christian friends, Muslims should tax non-Muslims, women get half of the inheritance of a man, homosexuals should be stoned, etc.
Even now New Zealand workplaces allow for workplace discrimination against non-muslims; it’s difficult to get a job as a slaughterman in a freezing works, a traditional job of many Maori in this country before the 1970’s, without being Muslim. This is a result of local Muslims banding together to blackmail the NZ Government that they would lose their trade deals with Iran if they did not submit to their request for a financial slice of the trade deal. Cheaper foreign workers were brought in to replace NZ Maori simply because of their religion. Any locals who speak out against the unfairness of this sham are nationally humiliated in the NZ media and dismissed.
Currently, global Islam, with the financial support gained from the New Zealand Halal Industry, is promoting jihad around the globe, from Central Africa to the Middle East to Northern India, North-Western China, West Papua and the Southern Philippine Islands.
Any new New Zealand Government legislation should allow those currently disadvantaged and disenfranchised by Muslims to speak out against the unfair discriminatory practices and the hatred contained in Islamic literature and teachings, and Christians should still be able to freely tell their own history of living under this discrimination and hatred.
Submission point 3: Quran and Muhammad mock and ridicule those around them.
The Quran lists Jews as the greediest of peoples, and were turned into apes and pigs by their deity in years gone by. While saying that non-believers are diseased, perverse, stupid and deceitful, like cattle or panting dogs, and then continues in many places throughout the Quran to say their deity created them that way and they cannot be changed.
Likewise, NZ Muslims will mock and threaten New Zealand Jews in the same way their prophet did. Currently New Zealand Muslims are taking their part in fighting global jihad against Israel because they believe that their prophet flew from Mecca to Jerusalem on the back of a flying donkey in the middle of the night, and then back to Mecca again. Therefore since Muhammad went there, it’s theirs.
Muslims will tell local Catholics and Orthodox that they should not have icons, while themselves implementing the newly created (by the Saudi’s) laws not found in the Quran that they should travel to Mecca and kiss a stone after bowing repeatedly to, and dancing around, a cube.
Today’s New Zealand Muslims also expect us to believe that the Quran they hand out, even the Arabic one, is the Eternal Word of God from the copy in paradise. It is this guarantee they give us that provides the Kiwi’s recruited for study/marriage/jihad overseas the surety to give up their lives for jihad as the Quran calls them to do. It should be noted, there is a reason why the imams are here safely in New Zealand well out of danger.
The foreign imams, and those recruiting Kiwi’s to join Islam are well aware that there has been dispute about what is and isn’t authentic Quran ever since they first started collecting it. Child bride Aisha, the mother of all believers, even tells of a tame sheep that ate the Surah on breastfeeding adults that was kept under Muhammad’s pillow. Much of what is written within the more than 30 different Arabic Quran’s in circulation today contradict each other, with words that say the exact opposite, or tenses that were not change from the Trinitarian plurals when translations into Arabic from Syriac and Aramaic were first made.
Lately even Arabic scholars have been calling for a revision of the poor grammar and spelling errors in the 1920’s revision of the Arabic text that is in use today, while other respected scholars have been caught talking publicly about the “holes in the narrative” of transmission.
That local NZ Muslims are distributing the Saudi material that tells readers that there is and was ever only “One Arabic Quran” that has been perfectly preserved is a mockery of the ignorance of Kiwis.
That returning ISIS terrorists will not be locked away in prison, while those speaking out about the recruitment, training and financing of terror here in New Zealand could be locked away under these new “hate speech laws” is another way in which Kiwi Muslims are making a mockery of the NZ legal system.
Any new New Zealand Government legislation should allow Christians to critique Islamic religious practices as they critique ours, and with the same passion that they do it!
Submission Summary
While local Muslims have long claimed they do not share the views of their overseas counterparts, there is no requirement for immigrants to convert to a sanitised form of Islam that does not believe in following the behaviour of their prophet before entering New Zealand. New Zealand Muslims have always played an active part in funding the global spread of Islam.
The purposes of the proposed changes to protect local Muslims against “incitement of hatred and discrimination” must be balanced with the rights of non-Muslims to be able to respond when they are offended, misrepresented, mocked and ridiculed or lied to by local Muslims regarding their own religious beliefs. The Islamic (and especially Saudi) claims of historical/empirical/scientific “truth” they promote with Saudi funded material and the new Saudi financed Arabic Quran should be freely discussed, debated, and disputed, without fear of legal threat or persecution by the government.
This submission will close with a quote from Yahya Cholil Staquf, who is General Secretary of Nahdlatul Ulama, the world’s largest Muslim organisation, who in 2019 after Tarrant’s shooting said:
“There is a desperate need for honest discussion of these matters. This is why it worries me to see Western political and intellectual elites weaponise the term “Islamophobia,” to short-circuit analysis of a complex phenomenon that threatens all humanity. For example, it is factually incorrect and counter-productive to define Islamophobia as “rooted in racism,” as proposed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims. In reality, it is the spread of Islamist extremism and terror that primarily contributes to the rise of Islamophobia throughout the non-Muslim world.”
Thank-you for reading this submission.
Dated: On the eve of the feast of the Transfiguration, in the year of Our Lord 2021.
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Number 9, then number 2 and number 7.