Video from the worlds largest growing Islamic populace immune from Covid-19.
Devout Muslims in Pakistan are continuing religious gatherings saying only “infidels” can catch Covid-19. – South China Morning Post
Continue readingDevout Muslims in Pakistan are continuing religious gatherings saying only “infidels” can catch Covid-19. – South China Morning Post
Continue readingFianz halal was built on bribery and intimidation long before Farouk took over the helm, you only need to have kept tabs on their own social media to see that! our last deleted fb page
Continue readingNow the media will have to create a story to fill in the gaps a lack of court trial leaves. Here is Gower. When Brenton Tarrant approached the doors of Al Noor Mosque at the
Continue readingPolice are claiming Imam Gamal Fouda lied about Tarrant visiting Al Noor before the March 15 2019 shooting. It’s easy to make mistakes identifying people when you’re stressed. However there appears to be more than
Continue readingDr Mustafa Farouk has been deposed as president of the Federation of Islamic Associations New Zealand. A $2.1 million donation from Qatar is involved in a rift in New Zealand’s major Muslim body just as it
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Considering it's the same trade unions, with the same Labour Party (remember Jacinda served in the UK) with the same…
I found your website on X from a username matching this site. Didn't realise you were based in New Zealand,…
Considering the huge extent that the NZ trade unions had in creating the narrative around the event, it wouldn't surprise…
christchurch crap was faked terrible muslim crisis actors used, telling me high calibre ammunition shot at peoples heads doesnt leave…
Number 9, then number 2 and number 7.