Kiwi on Syrian frontline
Here were the first steps of the NZ media to glorify the rebellion against Assad. He is travelling on a Kiwi passport. The passport of choice for Islamists everywhere! See also: The Uyghur Islamic Revolution
Continue readingHere were the first steps of the NZ media to glorify the rebellion against Assad. He is travelling on a Kiwi passport. The passport of choice for Islamists everywhere! See also: The Uyghur Islamic Revolution
Continue readingVictim kidnapped for pack rape Two Auckland men who kidnapped a woman for sex and participated in a pack rape have been sentenced to 15 and 16 years in jail. Somalia-born Abdinor Abdi, 29, and Mohamed
Continue readingA Somalian refugee who claims he was “possessed by the devil” when he went on a frenzied knife-wielding rampage across Christchurch before being shot by police has today been jailed for six years and six
Continue readingIs this the same Mohammed Hussein Somalian refugee from the 2002 jihad slaughter? How did he not get deported??? Or are many of the Somali refugees insane? How many Somalia refugees need to be shot
Continue readingA new guide to halal restuarants and cafes in New Zealand is being sent offshore in an attempt to attract a bigger slice of the Muslim tourism market. Tourism New Zealand and Christchurch International Airport
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Considering it's the same trade unions, with the same Labour Party (remember Jacinda served in the UK) with the same…
I found your website on X from a username matching this site. Didn't realise you were based in New Zealand,…
Considering the huge extent that the NZ trade unions had in creating the narrative around the event, it wouldn't surprise…
christchurch crap was faked terrible muslim crisis actors used, telling me high calibre ammunition shot at peoples heads doesnt leave…
Number 9, then number 2 and number 7.