terrorist is given another chance, terrorists passport cancelled

NZ terrorist is given another chance

Who is this NZ terrorist is given another chance? Which one of the thousands of Islamic youth protesting our streets for HAMAS and ISIS are they? Are they all the same? Do they believe in the same Muhammad?

While another New Zealand terrorist is given another chance by the courts, just as Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen‘s victims are still in hospital, can we be sure this government knows who they are dealing with? Islam has never been a religion of peace. These guys are often the ones in the Dawah stalls at the local markets, and out protesting for Quran to be fulfilled to get the governments attention. You’ll see many featured on this site in those protest videos.

A radical is one who says Islam is the only true religion, the contradictions within the Quran show it doesn’t claim that at all.

The Federation of Islamic-terrorists Aotearoa New Zealand (FIANZ) which first introduced the Saudi World Muslim League terrorism coordinators to NZ industrial politics over 40 years ago has not yet condemned Samsudeen for following the Muhammad and theĀ  Qurans instructions:

6:155. And this [Qur?an] is a Book We have revealed [which is] blessed, so follow it and fear God that you may receive mercy.

8:72. Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth and lives in the cause of God and those who gave shelter and aided – they are allies of one another.

9:29. Fight those who do not believe in God or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islam]…

22:58. And those who emigrated for the cause of God and then were killed or died ?God will surely provide for them a good provision. And indeed, it is God who is the best of providers.

The solution to Islamic terrorism isn’t more Islam, and even the local NZ academics understand this. The solution is to educate all who claim to follow the prophet of the Qurans origins. International Islamic academics are starting to understand there are holes in the Standard Islamic Narrative (S.I.N.).

terrorist is given another chance, terrorists passport cancelled

This from the NZ Herald:

A teenager accused of threatening to kill non-Muslims has been granted name suppression after a lawyer argued the young man had a chance of being deradicalised.

The 19-year-old Auckland man first appeared in the North Shore District Court on September 10, one week after Ahamed Samsudeen embarked on a stabbing frenzy in New Lynn.

The teenager reappeared today. He has not entered any pleas, and his electronic bail application did not proceed today.

But in a name suppression hearing, defence counsel Peter Syddall said the teenager “can’t be held in custody for ever”.

Syddall said publishing the man’s name and details of the alleged offending would damage his rehabilitation prospects.

“[He] is not yet in the same boat as Mr Samsudeen, the LynnMall attacker. We have a chance here and we need to do everything we can to make sure that chance bears fruit.”

Syddall said the teen was held in a cell for 23 hours a day.

“He already feels alone and anti-social.”

Syddall said publishing the man’s name and details of the alleged offending would also greatly harm his client’s fair trial rights.

Police supported name suppression too.

The alleged offending seemed to result from the man’s social isolation in relation to cognitive difficulties, prosecutor David Johnstone said.

“The prospect of being named may [send] him down what he regards as a black hole to which the only exit is violence.”

Police alleged the man’s threat to kill was made between July 13 and September 7. That charge carried a maximum penalty of seven years’ jail.

He also faced two charges of supplying or distributing an objectionable publication on August 5. The maximum penalty for those charges is 14 years’ jail.

Judge Clare Bennett today said she would issue a decision on the man’s name suppression on Tuesday, October 5.

‘We have a chance here’: Lawyers say teen charged with threat to kill non-Muslims can be saved from extremism