Taxi Driver saves hospital from Islamic terrorist

Taxi driver saves hospital from Islamic terrorist

Miracles happen as a taxi driver saves hospital from Islamic terrorist. As in New Zealand, UK terrorists are already known to police and under watch. Islam is the same all over the world. Same Koran, same agenda, not even hidden, it’s in the Koran!

3:138-143. This [Quran] is a clear statement to [all] the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of God. So do not weaken and do not grieve,and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. If a wound should touch you there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound similar to it. And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that God may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs and God does not like the wrongdoers. And that God may purify the believers [through trials] and destroy the disbelievers. Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while God has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast? And you had certainly wished for death [i.e., martyrdom] before you encountered it, and you have [now] seen it [before you] while you were looking on.

Quran 4.80 He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God.

Taxi Driver saves hospital from Islamic terrorist

The wife of a taxi driver who survived an explosion inside his cab has said he is “lucky to be alive”.

David Perry was injured when a homemade bomb exploded shortly after he pulled up outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital on Sunday morning.

The passenger, who is believed to have brought the device into the taxi, died at the scene.

Mr Perry’s wife Rachel said it had been “an utter miracle” that he had escaped from the vehicle.

Posting on Facebook, she said she felt “some guardian angels” had been looking over him.

Ms Perry also thanked the “amazing staff, doctors and nurses” at the hospital and the police officers and detectives “who have been looking after us”.

The explosion has since been declared as a terrorist incident.

Mr Perry picked up a fare in the Rutland Avenue area of Liverpool and was asked to be taken to the hospital, about 10 minutes away, police said.

As the taxi arrived at the hospital’s drop-off area just before 11:00 GMT, it exploded and Mr Perry escaped the car seconds before it was engulfed in flames.

“He is without a doubt lucky to be alive,” Ms Perry said.

“The explosion happened whilst he was in the car and how he managed to escape is an utter miracle.”

Russ Jackson, head of Counter Terrorism Policing North West, said he had spoken to Mr Perry who was still “shaken and injured” but had yet to receive his full account of what happened.

The driver did not suffer life-threatening injuries and has since been discharged from hospital.

Mr Jackson said he could not confirm reports Mr Perry had locked the doors of the taxi before the explosion.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has praised Mr Perry’s actions.

“It does look as though the taxi driver in question did behave with incredible presence of mind and bravery,” he said.

The city’s mayor Joanne Anderson said the taxi driver’s “heroic efforts” averted what could have been an “awful disaster” on Remembrance Sunday.

The dead passenger has not yet been formally identified.

Four men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act, while MI5 is assisting regional counter-terrorism police.

Liverpool’s Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram thanked “everyone who acted so quickly to intervene” and appealed for people to “remain calm and vigilant” and to “avoid spreading rumours and misinformation”.

He said this was “an attempt to sow discord and division within our communities” but Liverpool was known for “solidarity and resilience”, adding: “We will never let those who seek to divide us win.”

A police cordon remains in place around Liverpool Women’s Hospital, although it remains open for patients.

Visiting arrangements have been restricted until further notice, the hospital said.

An online fundraiser started by people involved in the taxi trade in the city has raised more than £21,000.

Organiser Jenny Phillips said the appeal was “simply to help a family and a good guy who didn’t deserve this, and has a lot of recovery to do but deserves a medal for his actions”.

She told the Liverpool Echo: “We waited until we knew more details of what had happened and we were shocked.

“His family have since been in touch and said there are a number of other fundraisers that have been set up but are not official and the family are concerned people will be giving money to people they do not know.”

Liverpool Women’s Hospital explosion: Taxi driver David Perry ‘lucky to be alive’

The man killed in an explosion outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital has been named by police as 32-year-old Emad Al Swealmeen.

He was a passenger in a taxi when his homemade bomb exploded shortly before 11:00 GMT on Remembrance Sunday.

The driver David Perry escaped before the car caught fire and has since been discharged from hospital.

Police said it had been declared as a terrorist incident and four men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act.

Officers believe Al Swealmeen lived at a house in Sutcliffe Street in the Kensington area of Liverpool, where counter-terrorism police officers carried out raids earlier.

Liverpool Women’s Hospital explosion: Man killed named as Emad Al Swealmeen