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Ardern creates centre covering Islamic expansion in NZ

The day after Muslims complain that they’re not in control of NZ National Security, Jacinda Ardern creates centre covering Islamic expansion in NZ. That she’s elected Paul Spoonley, who’s ignorance of Islamic history and doctrine is astounding, as its director, is typical for her style.

You won’t see Spoonly admit Tarrant promoted communism and hated conservatives!

You also won’t hear Spoonly admit some of the worlds top Muslims AGREE with New Zealand ‘far right’ as Professor Paul terms us.

As the General Secretary of one of the worlds largest Islamic organisations, Yahya Cholil Staquf , points out:

“There is a desperate need for honest discussion of these matters. This is why it worries me to see Western political and intellectual elites weaponise the term “Islamophobia,” to short-circuit analysis of a complex phenomenon that threatens all humanity. For example, it is factually incorrect and counter-productive to define Islamophobia as “rooted in racism,” as proposed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims. In reality, it is the spread of Islamist extremism and terror that primarily contributes to the rise of Islamophobia throughout the non-Muslim world.”

So to clarify, these are some the things that the ‘far-right’ in New Zealand stand against, as promoted and regularly happening here in NZ amongst immigrant and locally recruited Muslims:

1. We are against child marriage, and the promotion of anyone who’s been married to children as the perfect pattern of behaviour for mankind.

2. We are against grooming gangs and the organised patterns and defenses of rape that use their religious background to avoid prosecution.

3. We are against the open support and sponsorship of terrorism and terrorist ideology and spread of terrorist literature by religious groups in New Zealand.

4. We are against the taxation of our foods to promote global jihad (in thought and action).

5. We are against the false representation of our own beliefs and values, and of history being misrepresented. Jesus clearly taught there will be many false prophets, and Muhammed tells Christians in the Koran to judge him by the Gospels, which we do, as a false prophet. The Koran tells us that the Koran is clear, if it is wrong, it cannot be the word of Allah.

6. We are against the shut-down of free and open community and academic discussions of all of the above.

7. We are against the government, academic and media cover up hiding those engaging in the above illegal activities and especially of those engaging in the above illegal activities themselves here in New Zealand!

Ardern creates centre covering Islamic expansion on the whim of Islamic demand. However, they cannot hide their jihadi Quran based activities forever!

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This press release from New Zealand’s government website:

The Centre of Research Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, He Whenua Taurikura, was officially launched today by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

“Implementing all of the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry report into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain is a priority for the Government,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“We have ensured that the Centre of Excellence will go even further than the Commission’s recommendation to establish a programme to fund independent New Zealand-specific research on the causes of, and measures to prevent, violent extremism and terrorism.

“I am pleased to announce Professor Dr Joanna Kidman (Ng?ti Maniapoto, Ng?ti Raukawa) and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley have been appointed Directors of the Centre to lead that work.

“Both Professors are renowned experts in their fields and will bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to their role as Directors.

“After the tragedy of 15 March it was clear to all New Zealanders that we had to do everything in our power to stop this ever happening again. I believe this Centre will help us to be a more resilient, inclusive and safer Aotearoa New Zealand,” Jacinda Ardern said.

The establishment of the National Centre of Research Excellence is in response to recommendation 14 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry report into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain. The Centre will be hosted by Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, supporting research at many organisations around the country.

“He Whenua Taurikura goes beyond the report’s recommendation by establishing a dedicated Centre in addition to directly supporting research,” Lead Coordination Minister for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch Mosques Andrew Little said.

“This Centre will play a key role in bringing together research organisations, civil society, and government to research how to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism, with a focus on understanding diversity and promoting social cohesion”.

“I look forward to seeing the Centre deepen understanding and enrich public discussion on preventing and countering violent extremism,” Andrew Little said.

The Prime Minister also announced the first round of the Centre’s He Whenua Taurikura Master’s Scholarships, which were awarded to 11 postgraduate students across Aotearoa New Zealand.

The scholarships support research carried out at a New Zealand university or tertiary institute that will contribute to developing and maintaining breadth, depth and diversity of expertise in preventing and countering violent extremism.

“I congratulate our first Master’s Scholarship recipients and look forward to seeing their work contribute to making New Zealand a safer, more inclusive country for all,” Jacinda Ardern said.

More information about the Centre and the scholarship recipients can be found on the DPMC website.

Directors information

Professor Joanna Kidman – Professor of M?ori Education, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Joanna is a sociologist with affiliations to Ng?ti Maniapoto and Ng?ti Raukawa. Joanna’s work spans indigenous sociology, M?ori youth, higher education, decolonisation studies and comparative education.

Joanna has been appointed for a three-year term.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley – Honorary Research Associate, Massey University. Paul was, until 2019, the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Massey University. He retired from the university in April 2021. He has researched and written on social cohesion and diversity, racism, P?keh? identity, demographic change, the far right, white supremacism and antisemitism, immigration policy and settlement.

Paul has been appointed as an interim Director for up to a year, to work alongside Joanna in establishing the Centre.

Centre for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism officially open

One comment

  1. Amazing. The didn’t do any of that when the islamics were perpetrating terorism around the world on a grand scale – but as soon as an idiot westerner steps up and take a leave out of the islamic book – it’s all on.

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