Islam is the religion of the sword not pacifism

(Dabiq 7 page 20-27)
Islam is the religion of the sword not pacifism, islam sword
There is a slogan repeated continuously by
apologetic “du’?t” when flirting with the West
and that is their statement: “Islam is the religion
of peace,” and they mean pacifism (see footnote: 1 below)
by the word peace. They have repeated this slogan so much
to the extent that some of them alleged that
Islam calls to permanent peace with kufr and
the k?fir?n. How far is their claim from the truth,
for Allah has revealed Islam to be the religion
of the sword, and the evidence for this is so
profuse that only a zind?q (heretic) would argue

‘Al? Ibn Ab? T?lib (radiyall?hu ‘anh) said, “Allah’s
Messenger (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was
sent with four swords: a sword for the mushrik?n,
{And when the sacred months have passed,
then kill the mushrik?n wherever you find them}
[At-Tawbah: 5], a sword for Ahlul-Kit?b, {Fight
those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last
Day and who do not consider unlawful what
Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful
and who do not adopt the religion of truth
from those who were given the Book – [fight
them] until they give the jizyah willingly while
they are humbled} [At-Tawbah: 29], a sword
for the mun?fiq?n, {O Prophet, fight against
the kuff?r and the mun?fiq?n} [At-Tawbah:
73], and a sword for the bugh?t (rebellious
aggressors), {Then fight against the group that
commits baghy (aggression) until it returns to
the ordinance of Allah} [Al-Hujur?t: 9]” [Tafs?r
Ibn Kath?r].

He also revealed the sword against the
apostates, {O you who have believed, whoever
of you should revert from his religion – Allah
will bring forth a people He will love and who
will love Him [who are] humble toward the
believers, mighty against the disbelievers; they
strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the
blame of a critic} [Al-M?’idah: 54]. This verse is
a fundamental basis for the obligation to fight
against the apostate parties. At-Tabar? reported
in his tafs?r that amongst the Salaf, ‘Al? Ibn Ab?
T?lib, Qat?dah, al-Hasan al-Basr?, ad-Dahh?k,
and Ibn Jurayj said this verse encompassed
Ab? Bakr (Allah’s sword against apostasy), his
companions (radiyall?hu ‘anhum), and their
war against the apostates – the followers of
Musaylamah al-Kadhdh?b and those who
resisted the obligation of zak?h.

Allah (ta’?l?) also sent down iron alongside the
revelation to consolidate His religion by the
sword forged with iron. He (ta’?l?) said, {We
have sent Our messengers with clear evidences
and sent down with them the Scripture and the
balance that the people may maintain [their
affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron,
wherein is great military might and benefits for
the people, and so that Allah may make evident
those believing in the unseen who support Him
and His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Powerful
and Exalted in Might} [Al-Had?d: 25].

Allah (ta’?l?) also described what should be
struck with the sword, {Remember when your
Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you, so
strengthen those who have believed. I will cast
terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved,
so strike [them] upon the necks and strike
from them every fingertip”} [Al-Anf?l: 12]. He
(ta’?l?) also said, {So when you meet those
who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when
you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then
secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor
afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays
down its burdens} [Muhammad: 4].

His Messenger (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also
described the sword as the salvation from evil
and fitnah (footnote: 2). He (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
also described the sword as being the key to
Jannah [Reported by Ibn Ab? Shaybah on the
authority of Ab? M?s?].

He also declared that his worldly provision was
placed for him in the shade of his spear and that
the best livelihood for the Muslim in the future
is what he takes with his sword from the k?fir
enemy (footnote: 3).

So how can the zan?diqah (heretics) or even
those who blindly follow them – Bush (footnote: 4),
Obama, and Kerry – obstinately claim that “Islam
is a religion of peace,” meaning pacifism?
One of the biggest shubuh?t propagated by
the heretics is the linguistic root for the word
Islam. (footnote: 5) They claim it comes from the word
sal?m (peace), when in actuality it comes from words
meaning submission and sincerity sharing the
same consonant root.

Shaykhul-Isl?m Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahull?h)

“I mentioned before in previously discussed
principles that Islam – the religion of Allah
with which He revealed His books and sent His
messengers – is that the slave yuslim (submits)
to Allah, the Lord of the creation, and thus,
he yastaslim (submits) to Allah alone without
giving Him partners and that he be s?lim
(purely) for Him, in that he worships Him while
not worshipping other than Him, as is made
clear by the best word and the head of Islam
l? il?ha illall?h. And it has two opposites: kibr
and shirk. For this reason, it was reported that
N?h (‘alayhis-sal?m) ordered his children with
l? il?ha illall?h and subh?nall?h and forbade
them from kibr and shirk [Reported by Im?m
Ahmad on the authority of ‘Abdull?h Ibn ‘Amr],
as in a hadith I mentioned elsewhere. Indeed,
the one who abstains due to arrogance from
worshipping Allah does not worship Him, so he
is not mustaslim (submitting) to Him, and he
who worships Him and worships others with
Him is a mushrik towards Him, so he is not s?lim
for Him, rather he has shirk towards Him. The
word Islam includes the two meanings, istisl?m
(submission) and sal?mah which is sincerity.
And it is known that all the messengers were
sent with the general Islam consisting of this”
[Al-?m?n al-Awsat].

He (rahimahull?h) also said:

“The word ‘Islam’ can be used in two ways,
transitively, as in His statement, {And who is
better in religion than one who aslama (submits)
himself to Allah while being a doer of good} [An-
Nis?’: 125], and His statement, {I have aslamtu
(submitted) myself to Allah, and so have those
who follow me. And say to those who were
given the Scripture and to the unlearned,
“Have you aslamtum (submitted)?” And if they
aslam? (submit), they are rightly guided; but
if they turn away – then upon you is only the
duty of notification. And Allah is Seeing of the
servants} [?l ‘Imr?n: 20], and his statement
(sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in the du’?’ before
sleep, ‘I aslamtu (have submitted) myself to
You’ [Reported by al-Bukh?r? and Muslim on the
authority of al-Bar?’ Ibn ‘?zib]. It is also used
intransitively, as in His statement, {When his Lord
said to him, aslim (submit), he said “I aslamtu
(have submitted) to the Lord of the worlds”}
[Al-Baqarah: 131]. And it encompasses two
meanings, the first is obedience and submission;
the second is dedicating that sincerely to Him
alone, as in His statement, {Allah presents an
example: a slave owned by quarreling partners
and another salam (purely) for one man – are
they equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah!
But most of them do not know} [Az-Zumar: 29].
Its incarnation is the statement l? il?ha illall?h”
[Al-?m?n al-Awsat].

He (rahimahull?h) also said:

“Rather Islam is istisl?m (submission) to Allah
alone. The word Islam entails istisl?m and
dedicating such sincerely to Allah. More than
one scholar has mentioned this including the
specialists in Arabic such as Ab? Bakr Ibn al-
Anb?r? and others. Some of the commentators
have considered these two meanings to be
two different interpretations, as a group of
them including al-Baghaw? said, ‘The Muslim is
the mustaslim (submitter) to Allah. It has also
been said he is the mukhlis (sincere one).’ The
reality is that the Muslim is he who gathers
both meanings in himself, for whoever does
not yastaslim (submit) to Him, is not a Muslim,
and whoever istaslam (submitted) to other
than Him as he does for Him, is not a Muslim.
Whoever istaslam (submitted) to Him alone is a
Muslim, as in the Qur’?n, {Yes, whoever aslama
(submits) his face to Allah while being a doer of
good will have his reward with his Lord. And no
fear will there be concerning them, nor will they
grieve} [Al-Baqarah: 112]” [An-Nub?w?t]. (f/note: 6)

It is clear then that sal?m (peace) is not the
basis of the word Islam, although it shares
the same consonant root (s-l-m) and is one of
the outcomes of the religion’s sword, as the
sword will continue to be drawn, raised, and
swung until ‘?s? (Jesus – ‘alayhis-sal?m) kills
the Dajj?l (the Antichrist) and abolishes the
jizyah. Thereafter, kufr and its tyranny will be
destroyed; Islam and its justice will prevail on
the entire Earth.

“Then, it will be said to the earth, let your fruits
grow and yield your blessings. On that day, a
group will eat from a single pomegranate and
take shade under its bowl-shaped peel. Milk
will be blessed so much so that the young
female camel will suffice a very large group of
people, and a young female cow will suffice a
tribe of people, and a young female sheep will
suffice a clan of people” [Reported by Muslim
on the authority of an-Naww?s Ibn Sam’?n].

“The sky will be permitted to pour its rain and
the land to yield its plants, so even if you were
to plant a seed on a stone, it would spring.
There will be no rivalries, no envy, no hatred,
to the point that a man will pass by a lion yet
it won’t harm him, and step on a snake yet it
won’t harm him” [Reported by ad-Diy?’ and
ad-Daylam? on the authority of Ab? Hurayrah].

“And the venom of every venomous creature
will be removed, to the point that a newborn
boy will place his hand in the mouth of a snake
and it will not harm him. A newborn girl will
make a lion flee and it will not harm her. The
wolf will be amongst sheep like their guard
dog. The Earth will be filled with peace just as
a jar is filled with water. The word will be one –
no one will be worshipped but Allah. And war
will lay down its burdens” [Reported by Ibn
M?jah on the authority of Ab? Um?mah].

Thereafter, swords will rest from war only to
be used as sickles [Reported by Im?m Ahmad
on the authority of Ab? Hurayrah]. But until
then, parties of k?fir?n will continue to be
struck down by the unsheathed sword of
Islam – except for those who enter into ?m?n
(Islamic faith) or am?n (f/note: 7) – for there will always
be a party of Muslims fighting parties of k?fir?n
until there is no more fitnah and the religion is
completely for Allah alone.


1 Pacifism was first propagated in the Muslim world by dajj?l?n (liars claiming
prophethood) who called to a nullification of jih?d. The most notorious of
these dajj?l?n was Ghul?m Ahmad Q?diy?n?. Their calls were supported by the
British crusaders, as the British knew that jih?d was a threat to the stability
and expansion of their empire. These calls were later followed by modernist
“reinterpretations” of jih?d. The modernists called to the abandonment
of violence and terrorism. They censured jih?d against the apostates. They
censured defensive jih?d by claiming the Ummah was in the Makk? era. They
distorted offensive jih?d to mean “pre-emptive” defensive jih?d… Some of
these “reinterpretations” eventually found their way into the language of jih?d
claimants including Hus?m ‘Abdur-Ra’?f (current member of the central
al-Q?’idah top leadership and author of the infamous book “If I Were in the
Place of Morsi and Sat on the Kurs? [Throne]”), as he said, “It is necessary
to change the name of the [Egyptian] Department of Defense because Islam
does not recognize defensive jih?d alone, but rather it is sometimes necessary
to attack and wage a pre-emptive war to bury transgression alive while it’s
still in the cradle. So let its name be the Department of War and Peace” [Law
Kuntu Mak?na Murs?].

2 See, for example, the second had?th on the Hikmah pages of this issue;
some of the Salaf interpreted the sword in the had?th to refer to Ab? Bakr’s
jih?d against the apostates. Also, know that jih?d is the salvation from fitnah
and evil for two reasons: first, it is the means to destroy the greatest fitnah
and evil – shirk – in accordance with the statement of Allah (ta’?l?), {And
fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah}
[Al-Anf?l: 39]; second, through it, the slave is busied with fighting the k?fir?n –
including the apostates – instead of baghy (aggression) and khur?j (rebellion)
against Jam?’at al-Muslim?n (the Khil?fah).

3 See pages 10-13 of issue #4 of D?biq and pages 29-30 of issue #3.

4 Bush (the son) said, “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s
not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent
peace. They represent evil and war.” Obama and Kerry later mimicked Bush
and stated that the Islamic State was “un-Islamic” because of its usage of
violence. The origin for this isn?d (chain of transmission) of falsehood is probably
one of the apostate “religious advisors” who visit the White House and
claim to represent Islam and the Muslims while clapping in support of the
American declarations of war against Islam. May Allah expose the hypocrites
and heretics.

5 Similarly, the zan?diqah distorted the meaning of l? il?ha illall?h to mean
“there is no creator but Allah,” and they thereby falsely ascribed themselves
to Islam while worshipping the dead, forgetting that the Arab mushrik?n whom
the Prophet (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam) fought did not dispute that Allah is
the sole creator of the creation. Rather – while acknowledging that Allah is
the only creator – they worshipped intermediaries by seeking shirk? intercession
from them. As for the shah?dah (testimony) of tawh?d, then it means,
“There is none worthy of worship and obedience except Allah.” Shaykhul-Isl?m
Ibn Taymiyyah said that “the il?h is what is worshipped and obeyed” and
that the shah?dah “contains an affirmation of Him alone having il?hiyyah (the
worthiness of worship). And il?hiyyah entails the completeness of His knowledge,
power, mercy, and wisdom. Thus, it entails His goodness to the slaves.
So the il?h is what is ma’l?h, and the ma’l?h is what deserves worship. The
fact that He deserves to be worshipped is because of what He is described
with of attributes necessitating Him to be loved with the utmost love and submitted
to with the utmost submission. Worship entails the utmost love with
the utmost submission” [Tays?r al-‘Az?z al-Ham?d – Sulaym?n ?l ash-Shaykh].

6 This discussion also makes it clear why a person who ignorantly practices
any major shirk or totally abandons practice of the religion’s other four pillars
(prayer, zak?h, siy?m, and hajj) can never be considered Muslim, and that is
because the very basis of Islam is sincerity and submission. So if someone
commits major shirk, he is a mushrik. And if he totally abandons practice of
the four pillars, he is a k?fir. And the Salaf did not differ on this, although they
differed over the minimum degree of adherence to the four pillars required –
whether altogether or each pillar on its own – for one to still be considered a
Muslim. Also, they agreed that the absolute abandonment of the four pillars
is more severe than the mere commitment of sins (murder, fornication, theft,
etc.), because such sins in and of themselves are never major kufr, but the
absolute abandonment of the four pillars is different. The famous scholar of
the Salaf, Sufy?n Ibn ‘Uyaynah (rahimahull?h), was asked about irj?’, so he
replied, “The murji’ah say that ?m?n (faith) is a statement. And we say it is
statements and actions. The murji’ah obliged Jannah for one who testifies l?
il?ha illall?h while he resolves in his heart to abandon the obligations [the four
pillars]. They called abandonment of the obligations a sin just like any other
sin, although they are not equal, for committing sins without istihl?l (considering
the sin to be hal?l) is merely sinful, whereas abandoning the obligations
[the four pillars] intentionally without ignorance or excuse is kufr” [As-Sunnah
by ‘Abdull?h Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hanbal]. The sincerity and submission defining
Islam together are the manifestation of l? il?ha illall?h – there is none worthy
of worship and obedience except Allah (see footnote #5).

7 Am?n includes the condition of dhimmah granted to those from Ahlul-Kit?b
residing in the Muslim state if they pay jizyah. It can include an impermanent
truce (like the Hudaybiyah Treaty) between the Muslim state and some k?fir
states. It can also include a grant of safe passage from Muslims to individual
k?fir?n so that they may temporarily enter d?rul-Isl?m.

Quran – Pickthall

Sahih Al-Bukhari



  1. Are we going to forget about templars throughout history who murdered and pillaged cities and countries which belonged to other people of faith. Also are we going to forget about the spanish crusades?

    1. It’s great you’re wanting to discuss this!

      By other people of faith you mean the Muslims that murdered and enslaved their grandparents and stole their land right? Can you remember which people group Mohammed murdered to take Mecca? Can you remember which people group the Saracens terrorised to take Jerusalem?

      You’re welcome to produce any material you like it you think it refutes the letters published from the Patriarch of Jerusalem at the time of the siege, or any of the hundreds of other published documents by those peoples displaced by the Saracens.

      Just be careful your material doesn’t also contradict the victory tales of slaughter in the Islamic sources (including koran) or you may look a bit stupid to everyone.

      But first, why are you even using the behaviour of 1000 years ago to try and justify the moslem behaviour in the 21st century?

      Surely you’re not suggesting that islam is a primitive culture that should be left behind in the dark ages, because if so, we’d agree with you there!!!

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