Critical Quran isn’t
The Critical Quran isn’t at all critical of the Quran, or Muslims, and especially not in a David Wood or Apostate Prophet sense. The Critical Quran does, however, follow a style established by Christian and
Continue readingThe Critical Quran isn’t at all critical of the Quran, or Muslims, and especially not in a David Wood or Apostate Prophet sense. The Critical Quran does, however, follow a style established by Christian and
Continue readingBoth the Christchurch shooting, and video that motivated it, are still available online. See also: Dunedin mosque video that sparked Tarrant still available. Dozens of recordings of a 2019 massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand, remain
Continue readingIf it’s unattended, steal it! The Quran gives these words from the perfect example for mankind to follow in Quran 24.29 There is no blame upon you for entering houses not inhabited in which there
Continue readingNZ media are silent on the ritual slaughter of Deborah Yakubu, killed for alleged blasphemy, who had earlier refused to date her attacker, according to some online reports. Numerous videos of the attack are circulating
Continue readingMarch 15 footage, still used to motivate jihad around the world, is still readily available in many countries, especially Eastern Asian ones, except New Zealand. This footage is commonly shared as evidence that the Quran
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Considering it's the same trade unions, with the same Labour Party (remember Jacinda served in the UK) with the same…
I found your website on X from a username matching this site. Didn't realise you were based in New Zealand,…
Considering the huge extent that the NZ trade unions had in creating the narrative around the event, it wouldn't surprise…
christchurch crap was faked terrible muslim crisis actors used, telling me high calibre ammunition shot at peoples heads doesnt leave…
Number 9, then number 2 and number 7.