ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ

ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ

When Muslims here in New Zealand recruit locals to Islam, they offer us a chance to travel and study and get married and “serve” (jihad/fight) their deity overseas. Now this ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ from Australia where they had settled before sending their daughter overseas.

Suhayra is one of at least a dozen the the NZ media are aware of. Without the ready incentive of brides, such as the ones Mark John Taylor gained while overseas, a wannabe jihadi automatically loses much of the benefit of joining Islam. Radical Islam would never survive without the women promoting it as they do here in New Zealand. There is good reason in the Islamic literature why, after examining their prophets lifestyle, Islam is called the religion of penis.

NZ media have refused to accept that the real reason Afghanistan changed to Taliban so quickly is that they are real Islam. Islam was never a religion of peace, but one of war and sex. Now this ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ another generation of jihadi will flourish here as NZ Muslims have already proved they cannot rehabilitate offenders via the Quran.

ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ
Wives and children of former Isis fighters gather at the fence in the foreign section of the al-Hawl refugee camp in northern Syria

The family of Suhayra Aden, a woman who joined Islamic State, moved to New Zealand in recent months in anticipation of her return.

Aden, the first New Zealander known to return after joining the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis), arrived from Turkey with her two children on Saturday morning, escorted by three police staff.

After two weeks in managed isolation, Aden will be able to enter the community under the supervision of a government “Foreign Terrorist Fighters” reintegration programme.

Waiting to receive her will be family members who moved from across the Tasman, after it became apparent that Australia – which cancelled her passport – would not accept her return.

ISIS brides refugee family follow her to NZ, Suhayra Aden one of twelve NZ jihadi brides Suhayra Aden arrived in NZ
Suhayra Aden (right)

The Government agreed last month to a managed repatriation of Aden from Turkey after she was detained by Turkish authorities while crossing the Syrian border. Aden has New Zealand citizenship but moved to Australian when she was 6 and left the country to join Isis.

Kamalle Dabboussy?, a New South Wales-based advocate for Australian families whose daughters, like his own, joined Isis, met Aden when he travelled to the al-Hawl refugee camp in northern Syria in August 2019.

He said members of Aden’s family, whom he had also met, moved to New Zealand about three months ago. Stuff has confirmed this with other sources.

“My understanding was that her return [to New Zealand] was imminent, and the family was advised to prepare for her return. And then it’s sort of taken a turn and taken longer than anyone expected,” he said.

Dabboussy said Aden had been in a “precarious situation” in the al-Hawl camp, as she was living with the families of the fathers of her two children.

“The fathers’ family were much more of the ideological bent of Isis, and Suhayra was trying to survive and look after the kids.

“She was quite vulnerable. The youngest child had been quite sick and also inside the [medical] clinic for a number of months … The kids appeared healthy when I saw them, but she was very vulnerable and very scared.”

He confirmed a third child of Aden’s had died before she arrived at the camp.

He said the New Zealand Government knew of Aden’s existence in 2019, and officials knew her Australian citizenship had been cancelled for eight or nine months before she reached Turkey.

“I brought up this case directly to New Zealand authorities, in October 2019 … They certainly had not communicated to Aden. Whether they knew of her existence beforehand or not, I’m not aware.”

Though the Government had prepared for multiple New Zealand citizens with children returning from Syria, Dabboussy said he was not aware of any others like Aden.

“From the women that I’m dealing with in the camp, there is no-one that’s got a New Zealand citizenship,” he said.

“I’m almost definitely sure there are more women that are out there that are Australian. Whether that means there is another New Zealander, I’m not sure. I would never say never, but I would suggest it would be unlikely but not impossible.”

A police spokeswoman said the plan for Aden’s return included having three police staff members escort her and the children back to New Zealand.

The staff had been vaccinated for Covid-19 and would also spend two weeks in managed isolation.

Asked if police had involved the family in Aden’s reintegration, the spokeswoman responded: “Yes.”

“While police and a number of government agencies are involved in the reintegration plan for the family, and given this is an operational matter, we are not able to provide any detail on this.”

According to the Government’s “Foreign Terrorist Fighter” planning, Oranga Tamariki is among the raft of state agencies that will be involved in the management of Aden.

A spokeswoman for Oranga Tamariki said in a statement that it was working with agencies “to ensure the family are provided with the support that they need”.

“Our priority is to work with others to ensure the family have the support they need to be healthy and well so they can integrate into New Zealand society.”

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Development said that any citizen could access welfare support. She would not comment further, for privacy reasons.


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