Afghan and Pakistan Kiwis fight

Afghan and Pakistan Kiwis fight it out

As Afghan and Pakistan Kiwis fight it out, it’s hard not to say ‘we told you so’ to a government hell bent on destroying this country through immigration.  Is this the real reason we went into another covid lockdown? Muhammad, Islam and the Quran have always been about war, and not peace. Please read the Quran before commenting, it tells you that it’s clear and easily understood. This will help you understand why the NZ media hide that first thing the Teliban went for was the 12yo girls even as the US was withdrawing. You’ll understand there’s good reason why Islam should not be taught in schools.  With the direction that this government is heading, this isn’t the first time Afghan and Pakistan Kiwis fight it out, and it won’t be the last.

Afghan and Pakistan Kiwis fight

The New Zealand Afghanistan and Pakistan leaders and the race relations commissioner are urging unity between Kiwis as tension rises internationally between the two nations.

The call comes as one Pakistan Canterbury man says he was attacked by Afghan Kiwi men he knew after they cornered him in a gym changing room in Christchurch.

One of the men he alleges hit him, leaving him needing stitches, has shared the internationally cited hashtag #SanctionPakistan on social media.

The hashtag refers to the belief that Pakistan has backed Taliban violence and failed to support Afghanistan from being overruled.

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon said he had been talking with Kiwi leaders about how to stop tensions rising.

The Pakistan Kiwi, who Stuff has agreed not to name for his safety, approached media after he says three Afghan men – two of whom he knew – abused him in the changing room of City Fitness Moorhouse about 2.30pm on Sunday.

He said one told him “you are Pakistani, I will kill you” then he was grabbed, pushed into a corner and tackled.

Another man grabbed him around his neck from behind “in a choking position”, and another hit him over the head with his phone.

He fell to the ground with blood pouring from his head, and stumbled to his car. He vomited until he felt well enough to drive to the central police station.

Police took a statement and photos of his injuries before he got about four stitches for his head gash at hospital.

A spokeswoman confirmed police had received a complaint about an assault at a Moorhouse Ave business on Sunday.

An investigation was under way, and she wanted to assure people “we take these matters very seriously”.

The man said he left in a hurry, without informing gym staff.

A City Fitness Moorhouse manager said she could not comment as they were not aware of the incident.

The Christchurch man had since sent an alert to the Pakistan community in Aotearoa, so they were aware of any possible inter-racial tension.

“It could happen to any Pakistani. I want them to be safe and aware of what’s happening.”

He believed it was a misguided interpretation of race relations between the two countries.

Ethnic Communities Minister Priyanca Radhakrishnan had asked the ministry to support affected communities to defuse tensions following the Christchurch incident.

Afghan Kiwi Bariz Shah said tensions against the Pakistan Government were rising, and many Afghans “are hurting and they don’t know how to express that”.

He did not believe most Afghans felt animosity towards Pakistan Kiwis.

Pakistan Association president Naveed Hamid urged Kiwis not to import overseas conflict into New Zealand.

“We don’t want an escalation of this type of tension in the community.”

He believed public statements by people in power inflamed relations, such as Green MP Golriz Ghahraman’s comment on Twitter about “Pakistani-backed violence and terror by the Taliban”.

The association had written to Green Party leaders, and would also write to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern about its concerns.

“It’s not good for our country. She has the power to influence people.”

Ghahraman said the Tweet aimed to outline “the Afghani community’s perspective”.

“The main crux of the Tweet, is the Afghani community are asking for this and this is their voice.”

When asked why she wrote that the Taliban was “Pakistani-backed”, she said: “There’s ample evidence to say that there’s lots of different groups or nation states backing the Taliban.”

An Afghan Association spokesman said those who carried out the assault did not embody Afghan values of kindness and co-existence.

Afghans were not promoting violence against Pakistanis, and #SanctionPakistan was a hashtag against the government not its people, he said.

“We need to keep together in this tough situation, we are all in the same boat, we need to come together and lend a hand to one another in such a time and forever.”

Foon agreed those in leadership should not make statements that could incite violence.

“Afghan communities, our hearts are with you during the Taliban takeover of the country.”