Christchurch teen who planned terror attack warned about breaches.

Compare this with a moslems punishment for shooting:
Islamic Refugee escapes punishment for shooting man who racially attacked him .


The Christchurch Muslims community have not been able to deradicalize one of their own. Was it this news headline that motivated Tarrant to chose NZ as a target?
Kiwi teenager radicalised online planned mass killing in Christchurch ‘for Allah’

Christchurch teen who planned terror attack warned about breaches

A teenager under close supervision for a terrorist incident has been warned he is facing a possible jail term if he keeps breaching his sentence.

The 19-year-old admitted breaching his sentencing for a third time when he appeared before Judge Stephen O’Driscoll for a monthly judicial monitoring session on Friday.

The nature of the breach has been suppressed until he is sentenced. Two earlier breaches he admitted involved obtaining cellphones – banned under the terms of his sentence – from a family member, which he used to look at pornography. The latest breach is different.

Defence counsel Anselm Williams told the court the teenager had had another difficult month and admitted the breach. After a year on the intensive supervision sentence at monitored accommodation, the teen was struggling with boredom.

He has been out helping at a community project and told the judge that was “pretty good”. The sessions there will continue weekly.

But he is also struggling with anger issues and counselling at the Stopping Violence programme is now being arranged.

The youth has been monitored by Judge O’Driscoll since February 2018 when he admitted planning to carry out the attack on a group of people in public, after converting to Islam and being radicalised online.

He originally planned to ram a car into a group of people and then stab them until the police killed him. He wrote a goodbye letter to his mother and then carried out a violent attack in 2017, making threats and causing damage. He later told a psychologist he “decided not to hurt anybody because he did not have the means to kill enough people”.

He admitted charges of wilful damage, shoplifting, threatening to kill or cause grievous bodily harm, and possession of an offensive weapon. The youth has name suppression.

Since the mosque attacks on March 15, he has said he will never go back to extremism. He told the judge in April: “I’ll never go back to extremist thinking or ideologies. All it does is cause grief, anger, and sadness.”

Judge O’Driscoll warned him on Friday that he must not breach the sentence anymore, or he may face resentencing for the original charges. He reminded the teenager that the Crown originally asked for a five-year jail term.

He said everyone was trying to help the teenager and he should stop worrying about what others might think about him and concentrate on making progress and getting through to the end of the sentence.

He had to make an effort to deal with his problems with anger and expressing himself.

The teen has now been remanded for another monitoring session on June 5.

All the agencies involved in his sentence will meet on June 26 to discuss his case, and Williams asked for sentencing on the three breach charges to be held over until after that. It would allow a more “constructive” approach to the sentencing options, he said.

A Corrections official told the judge: “We are all in agreement that he needs to get out into the community and get more social interactions going, preferably with people his own age.”