New poll: Government should not help Kiwi jihadi Mark Taylor return to NZ, majority says

mt poll
New poll: Government should not help Kiwi jihadi Mark Taylor return to NZ, majority says
The latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll asked Kiwis about the Hamilton native, currently sitting in a Syrian prison.

Most New Zealanders do not want to see the Government help to bring home ISIS fighter Mark Taylor, who is being held in a Syrian prison.

Those quizzed in the latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll were asked: “In 2014, New Zealander Mark Taylor travelled to Syria to fight for ISIS. He now wishes to return to New Zealand. Do you think the New Zealand Government should help bring him home?”
Seventy-five per cent answered no, 16% answered yes, and 9% did not know.
Taylor, who is originally from Hamilton, is being held in a Syrian prison after being captured by Kurdish forces.

Taylor was re-issued a New Zealand passport in 2011, which meant he could travel to Syria.

He then burnt the passport.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has emphasised that the Government is obliged “to not make people state-less”, and Taylor only holds New Zealand citizenship.

National Party leader Simon Bridges said, “we don’t want him back”.

“It’s not our responsibility to bail out a terrorist.”


Karolina Dam’s 18-year-old son was radicalised and died fighting in Syria in 2014, and thinks that NZ taxpayer should fork out for his rehab and fares back here.

One comment

  1. “Karolina Dam’s 18-year-old son was radicalised and died fighting in Syria in 2014, and thinks that NZ taxpayer should fork out for his rehab and fares back here.”

    Radicalised Where?

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