Tarrant appeals his conviction! was tarrant a lone wolf? Media conspire to block information, Student caught viewing video

Media conspire to block information

There is a sinister agreement in New Zealand as Media conspire to block information about the Christchurch shooting which is relevant to the motivations of Tarrant. You can see how they have created their own narrative below by themselves choosing the motivation as ‘white supremacy’ and forbidding anything else that Tarrant has written to be discussed in NZ media!

After being accused of motivating Tarrant ourselves, we have search overseas for details of the motivation. These have been widely reported by overseas media. We have not seen anywhere reported that the manifesto contained the words supreme or supremacy or superior, which indicates that he hasn’t mentioned being superior to anyone, so this is a label given to Tarrant by NZ media!

It becomes a dangerous world when Media conspire to block information on events like this!

was tarrant a lone wolf? Media conspire to block information

This from rnz.co.nz:

How NZ media plan to report the news but block the propaganda:

The not-guilty plea of the man accused of the Christchurch mosque shootings, while harrowing for the victims’ families, came as no big surprise to most in the media and legal fraternity.

News organisations have been expecting the denial, and prepared a set of guidelines for how they plan to cover the trial, should it eventuate. Together, editors developed a set of mutually agreed protocols with the aim of reducing the accused’s ability to use media coverage to spread a message of white supremacy.

Newsroom.co.nz Christchurch reporter David Williams said covering next year’s court process presents a huge challenge for editors and their publications.

“It’ll be, in some ways, its greatest test, won’t it? Because this is not something we’ve seen before. There have been plenty of other – unfortunately – mass killings, but not often does it result in trial.”

As to what can be done to prevent harmful propaganda being spread from the dock, Williams said the power ultimately lay with the judge.

“Not only can they remove the accused if they’re being disruptive, but they can tell the media what [not] to report.”

Williams said the details of what the judge would do remained foggy.

“It’s hard to know whether we’ll be able to file as we go, for example – could it be a closed courtroom for the entire day, and we’re only allowed to file after the hearing is finished?”

The media’s joint approach to the trial is being applauded by commentators, both domestically and overseas, as a responsible move.

But Williams said despite the protocol, there would be variation between outlets’ coverage.

“The protocol makes it clear there will be editorial freedom.

“There has been a difference between what appears in a newspaper and what appears online, including the name of the alleged shooter in headlines.

“You’ve got to think that’s for traffic, but whether that’s ultimately “responsible” – well, that’s up to the editorial judgment of each media organisation.”

Williams said there was likely to be a noticeable difference between local and overseas media.

“There will be, most likely, very much more open reporting outside of New Zealand by overseas media and a much more restrained version of events within New Zealand.

“We have a responsibility to report what goes on. I guess it’s that thing isn’t it, you want to report what goes on because that may deter people from doing this kind of thing, but you don’t want to inspire people, and that is the most abhorrent effect you could have from something you report.”

On May 1st, rnz.co.nz reported:

Media agree on trial coverage protocols:

Major New Zealand news organisations, including RNZ, have agreed to protocols for covering the trial of the person charged for the Christchurch mosque attacks.

Brenton Harrison Tarrant faces 50 counts of murder and 39 counts of attempted murder in relation to the shootings at two mosques in Christchurch last month.

RNZ, Stuff, Mediaworks, TVNZ and NZME said they have agreed to guidelines for the trial so their coverage “does not promote white supremacist ideology”.

The group said they were committed to covering the trial “comprehensively and responsibly”, and were mindful of public interest in the trial in New Zealand and internationally.

They said they were also aware of the media’s role as the “eyes and ears of the public”, particularly as many of the victims’ friends and families live outside New Zealand and would not be able to access the trial process in any other way.

The accused may try to use the trial as a platform to amplify “white supremacist and/or terrorist views or ideology”, they said, so the group has agreed to follow the following protocols:

  • (a) – We shall, to the extent that is compatible with the principles of open justice, limit any coverage of statements, that actively champion white supremacist or terrorist ideology.
  • (b) – For the avoidance of doubt the commitment set out at (a) shall include the accused’s manifesto document.
  • (c) – We will not broadcast or report on any message, imagery, symbols or signals (including hand signals) made by the accused or his associates promoting or supporting white supremacist ideology.
  • (d) – Where the inclusion of such signals in any images is unavoidable, the relevant parts of the image shall be pixelated.
  • (e) – To the greatest extent possible, the journalists that are selected by each of the outlets to cover the trial will be experienced personnel.
  • (f) – These guidelines may be varied at any time, subject to a variation signed by all parties.
  • (g) – This protocol shall continue in force indefinitely.

The accused gunman is due to appear in court on 14 June.


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