So Tarrant pleaded guilty after torture? He was lucky he wasn’t shot. Which is surprising in itself considering how many criminals with lesser crimes have been shot and killed by New Zealand police since Jacinda Ardern came into power.
What’s this fake appeal really trying to distract Kiwis from? Currently NZ Muslims, with the Christchurch Call, are bringing in a new laws to NZ to ban, not just terrorist promotional activity, but any speech or publications that offends them. NZ can no longer complain about the honour killings, child marriages or rape gangs operating here. You can read our submission to the NZ Government on hate speech laws here.

This whole appeal claim is a distraction from the real issues that this event raises. What is Jacinda hiding? According to the other media outlets overseas, Tarrant clearly had help during the event, his motivations were different than the NZ media claims, and there are a whole raft of other issues that we have previously detailed.
Overseas media were very quick to compile lists of reasons why the “NZ mosque shooting doesn’t add up“.
Perhaps the fact that Tarrant was not shot by NZ police, when so many others have been, could be another thing that leads people to think this was a planned event with more than just Brenton Tarrant involved in the planning.
What if he’d committed some horrendous crimes while traveling overseas, the sort that are readily acceptable in other cultures (usually child related), and then he had been blackmailed into carrying out these actions, and closely monitored by those around him here in NZ as he carried out his actions? The same people who would say Tarrant would never offend against children would also have said that he’d never shoot up a mosque also right?
So Tarrant pleaded guilty after torture? Torturing Tarrant isn’t an issue, the issue is what is this mock appeal trying to hide? This appeal reason is a joke.
The terrorist who killed 51 people at two Christchurch mosques is appealing his conviction and sentence, claiming he was “under duress through torture”.
Brenton Tarrant killed 51 people and wounded 40 others when he carried out mass shootings at two Christchurch mosques – the Masjid an-Nur on Deans Ave and the Linwood Islamic Centre – on March 15, 2019.
In August 2020 he was sentenced to life without parole after pleading guilty to 51 counts of murder, 40 counts of attempted murder and a terrorism charge.
He has since filed an appeal against his conviction and sentence with the Court of Appeal. No hearing date has been set at this stage.
The grounds of his appeal state: “I only entered a guilty plea under duress through torture.”
In the reasoning for submitting a late appeal (usually to be done within 20 working days of sentencing), he claimed he had been “held under illegal and torturous prison conditions; necessary legal documents withheld from myself, fallout with previous lawyers, irrationality bought on through prison conditions”.
Speaking on behalf of the March 15 Wh?nau Trust in 2020, Abdullah Naeem said the terrorist was “playing games”.
Naeem, whose brother and father were killed in the attack, hoped the appeal would not be allowed to go ahead, so families would not have to go through more trauma.
“Life imprisonment is a light punishment for what he did. Any good law will deny his plea and I hope that happens.”
Masjid an-Nur imam Gamal Fouda said the terrorist “wishes to become famous and grandstanding”, and he believed the courts should “continue to disregard his name”.
“This situation is causing further trauma to the wh?nau and the terrorist should not be given the opportunity to retraumatise all of us as New Zealanders.”
Christchurch terrorist claims he pleaded guilty due to ‘torture’
In my opinion it is to distract from the piece of legislation that will amend the Terrorism Laws so that anyone arrested on Terrorism charges can NEVER appeal to have their designation revoked, which means you are a terrorist for the rest of your life without the ability to ever appeal for it to be revoked. Proud Boys have been falsely labelled terrorists with no fact based evidence, despite there being direct communications from their leader to not go in to the building on Jan 6th (USA Time) and no evidence for terrorism or a crime being committed.
35BCertain revocation applications stopped
While the entity is imprisoned, no application for revocation of the designation can be made under section 34(1)?(a) or (b) on the ground specified in section 34(3)?(b). –