Quran 100 year anniversary, call to correct scribal errors in the Quran

ultimate white supremacist movement is Islam!

Islam is the ultimate white supremacist movement!

Most people do not know that the Ottomans were the largest slave traders on the planet when slave trading was at it’s peak.

The Sunnah is filled with descriptions of the whitest prophet in the universe, the model for mankind:

Islam: the ultimate white supremacist movement! The Book of Virtues - Sahih Muslim 2340 white with elegant face

But the Quran is damning when it describes who is bound for paradise and who for hades (who goes where on the day of judgement):

ultimate white supremacist movement! Surah Ali 'Imran [3 106-109]

Black slaves are only half value of white slaves! There are many hadiths in the same vein as the below:

Here Muhammad trades a single white slave for two black slaves.

Black slavery is still rampant in Africa today. “An estimated 529,000 to 869,000 black men, women and children are still slaves. They are bought, owned, sold, and traded by Arab and Muslim masters in five African countries. This statistic estimates those enslaved in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, and Sudan. It excludes Nigeria, for which there are no tangible estimates.

Western human rights organizations and the mainstream media are practically and painfully silent on this matter. It does not fit with their focus on Western white sin. Here is a brief survey of this quasi-taboo topic.”

While Islam is the ultimate white supremacist movement,  education is the key to ending this racist cult!

Join the party in 2024 at www.quran100.com as we celebrate 100 years of the creation of the Eternal Arabic Quran that is in paradise with Allah by the Egyptian scholars!

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