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Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State

See also: Takeover complete: Teachers keen to foster better understanding of Islam.
Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State

March 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – I live in New Zealand. I’ve become alarmed at developments in my country since the shootings last Friday. What I see unfolding seems so disproportionate to the magnitude of the crime. It seems like I’ve woken up and all of a sudden live in an Islamic State.

Here are some highlights of what’s unfolding:

  • The thought police are out in full force and people are being scrutinized for “hate speech”.  Green ribbons are being worn as a symbol against hate.
  • Mosques and many of the prayer rooms continue to be protected by armed police (police aren’t usually armed in my country).
  • Vigils are being held all over the place in solidarity with the victims. These seem to have morphed into what amounts to support for the Islamic religion. One Catholic bishop held one last Sunday afternoon in the Ponsonby church.  After prayers there, they processed over to the mosque, which is on the opposite side of the road and prayed and met there.
  • Whitcoulls, one of our book stores, probably the oldest, has removed Jordan Peterson’s book “12 Rules for Life” from its shelves because he was photographed with a member of the public wearing an anti-Islamic t-shirt while he was in New Zealand recently. Apparently, that’s being construed as him having something to do with the madman’s agenda.
  • On Tuesday a Muslim prayer was said in Parliament. Just recently all Christian prayer in Parliament was removed.
  • On Friday March 22 at 1:30pm New Zealand will be called to prayer…Islamic prayer that is.  And we will be expected to keep 2 minutes silence after they read the Muslim prayer acknowledging Allah as “great” and Muhammad as his “prophet.” The call to prayer will be broadcasted on national radio stations and TV as well.
  • One top Catholic Church leader will go to the local mosque (Kilbirnie) as well on Friday to stand outside during their prayers as an act of solidarity. The Catholic bishops here have been very sympathetic and playing out their “inter-faith role” with great enthusiasm.
  • Catholic school students have been praying inside mosques.

It seems like we’re living in a different world all of a sudden. It seems that showing our great respect for those who were killed has somehow been manipulated into showing affirmation of the Islamic religion.

New Zealand is now putty in the Islamists’ hands.

The shooting on Friday was terrible. But what has now unfolded is something else entirely and may just be the beginning of something very terrible for New Zealand.

Certainly, on a spiritual level, our crisis has become even deeper.

Please keep New Zealand in your prayers.


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