Mosque squandered its $100k Tarrant shooting bonus

Mosque squanders its $100k Tarrant shooting bonus

As Linwood Mosque squanders its $100k Tarrant shooting bonus, the question must be asked, when was the last time singular local churches were given 100k to celebrate Easter after Islamic extremists murdered their relatives? We have many victims families of Islamic Jihadi here in NZ attending local churches, but never has 100k been given to make their Easter celebrations brighter.

Tarrant was a foreigner who was upset at what Muslims were doing in his country (Australia) and as long as this government ignores what the NZ media have revealed as the cause of the shooting, Islamic Jihad, the government is leaving the rest of us helpless New Zealanders open to another foreigner coming in and exacting revenge for the part local Muslims play in what happens overseas.

So as this mosque squanders its $100k Tarrant shooting bonus, have they also squandered the opportunity to apologise for the part they have played in promoting terrorism here in NZ?  Oh, “apology” is not a word found in the Quran, only fight.

Quran 2:193. Fight them until there is no [more] unbelief and [until] religion [i.e., worship] is [acknowledged to be] for God.

Mosque squanders its $100k Tarrant shooting bonus
$100k doesn’t buy much when in sharia lands.

The trust behind a mosque at the centre of the Christchurch terror attack is in turmoil over accusations of mishandling funds given to it in the wake of the tragedy.

Linwood mosque’s five trustees are split over the use of a $100,000 government grant, with allegations by some that others in the group have misused it – and tried to pressure restaurant owners to create thousands of dollars of false receipts to account for it.

Imam and mosque founder Abdul Lateef and fellow trustee Hamidullah Khafi are calling for the others to resign, and had the Linwood Islamic Charitable Trust’s bank account frozen on June 5 due to their concerns.

The three other trustees at the heart of the complaints deny there has been any financial mishandling and say that the money is all accounted for.

The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) is investigating the Linwood Islamic Charitable Trust and whether there has been any misuse of funds.

Seven people were killed at Linwood mosque during the Christchurch terror attack on March 15, 2019.

Linwood mosque was busy in the months after the 2019 terror attacks as worshippers steadfastly returned to prayers, led here by Imam Abdul Lateef.
Iain McGregor/Stuff
Linwood mosque was busy in the months after the 2019 terror attacks as worshippers steadfastly returned to prayers, led here by Imam Abdul Lateef.

In the weeks that followed the trust applied for a $100,000 ethnic communities development fund, which it claimed would be spent on Ramadan costs.

It was given the money that May, but has since failed to prove how it was spent, and two of the trustees say they froze the account over fears the other trustees would fritter away the more than $80,000 left from the fund.

The financial turmoil has divided the trustees, with Lateef and Khafi saying the others – treasurer Abdul Aziz, chairman Ahmed Jahingir, and general secretary Faisal Sayed – are “using and abusing” their positions for money, and have warned the government against giving out more.

The trust has now been given an extended deadline of June 2022 to come up with a new use for the money that is agreed on by the DIA, or to pay it back.

Abdul Aziz, a trustee at Linwood mosque, says there are no issues with money.
Abdul Aziz, a trustee at Linwood mosque, says there are no issues with money.

Complaints made to Charities Services in October, about leadership and its finances, are also still being investigated.

Lateef and Khafi say they have been blocked from trust decisions, emails, and meetings.

Khafi said he had been excluded from trust business since he voted against what he says was an unconstitutional attempt to vote Lateef out in April as trustee.

He believes the three trustees are not fit to lead the community, but said no-one knew how to get rid of them.

Lateef said despite him protesting to the three trustees “from the first day” before they applied for the 2019 grant about what they would use the $100,00 government grant for, it was ignored.

It was “too exorbitant and a total deception”, Lateef told Stuff, saying the amount was far greater than that normally needed to pay for Ramadan.

Lateef said bills had not been paid, and he and Khafi were worried about how the other trustees were spending the trust’s money.

“I felt that because they haven’t given money from DIA back that they would be using that.”

He was also worried they had misused donations from mosque worshippers.

The trust wanted to use money from a $100,000 government grant to pay for Ramadan in the months after that attack.
Stacy Squires/Stuff
The trust wanted to use money from a $100,000 government grant to pay for Ramadan in the months after that attack.

The 2019 grant application said the money would be used to create community harmony, to pay for meals on 30 evenings during Ramadan, breakfast on the day of Eid Al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan, and for venue hire, a play area and treats for children.

A Christchurch restaurant owner and member of the mosque told Stuff he was asked by trustees a few months after Ramadan to create false receipts for up to $60,000 worth of food. It is understood other restaurants were also asked, but all refused.

The man, who was managing an Indian restaurant at the time and did not want to be named, said he was asked by Sayed in front of all the trustees if he would create an invoice for “a large sum of money”.

“It was wrong, so I said no straight away.”

Food was organised on a roster among mosque members, and “usually we don’t need more money” to provide food for Ramadan, he said.

Mosque general secretary Faisal Sayed says no-one was asked to create false receipts.
Iain McGregor/Stuff
Mosque general secretary Faisal Sayed says no-one was asked to create false receipts.

Stuff has seen a list of families and organisations who voluntarily cooked and provided food for the evening meal each night of the 2019 Ramadan month.

Sayed said the plan had been to hire caterers for the feasts, but they could not find any available.

He and Jahangir denied anyone had been asked to create fake receipts.

“That’s terrible to do,” Sayed said.

Aziz refused to answer any questions put to him, other than to say, “There are no money issues or anything”.

Jahangir said he believed the 2019 funding did not need to be paid back, despite not being able to provide the required accountability of spending.

Trustees are alleged to have asked for false receipts to be created to account for food during Ramadan.
Stacy Squires/Stuff
Trustees are alleged to have asked for false receipts to be created to account for food during Ramadan.

But Sayed told Stuff the money was in the trust’s account ready to be paid back, and they were working with lawyers to have the account unfrozen to do so.

“One hundred per cent, things are a mess,” Sayed said.

But he swore “every single cent is accounted for”.

A DIA spokesperson said the extended deadline of June 2022 “recognises the impact of the terror attacks on the Linwood community”, and gave the trust time to come up with a new and approved way to use the grant money. But if no applications were successful, it could also be required to pay the money back.

In an April letter seen by Stuff, the DIA said it had “forgiven” both a $5000 payment from the trust to Aziz to recognise his bravery in tackling the terrorist during the attack, and another $1500 for additional work of another imam.

Chairman Ahmed Jahingir, who was shot in the shoulder during the attack, says the money is in the trust’s account and ready to be paid back.
Iain McGregor/Stuff
Chairman Ahmed Jahingir, who was shot in the shoulder during the attack, says the money is in the trust’s account and ready to be paid back.

Along with the $100,000 given to it in 2019, the trust requested another $106,000 to help meet this year’s Ramadan costs.

The DIA declined the new money, saying it could use $10,000 from the original grant for that purpose, and gave it until July 31 to show its proof of spending.

The department told the trust it could submit for approval a project to apply the remaining $83,500 in grant money – for things like building governance and community development – consistent with the purposes of the ethnic communities development fund.

In an email to the DIA in April, seen by Stuff, Lateef warned the department not to grant more funds until issues were resolved – including instalments of a $665,202 safer communities fund DIA (security) grant it has access to.

A DIA spokesperson said it received complaints about the trust, but could not comment further until the investigation was complete.

“This is an ongoing investigation which will determine whether there has been any misuse of funds.”

Linwood mosque trust in disarray over claims terror attack cash was misused


  1. Muhammadans showing Islam is evil. Please carry on Muhammadans, show you can’t be trusted even to be nice to your FELLOW Muhammadans. And of course, what’s the NZ government doing sponsoring Islam? Shockingly stupid.

    1. Sponsoring the worst elements of Islam – and thereby creating discord and division in society – is part of the globalist agenda. Ordo ab Chao: Out of chaos comes order. Stand by for The Great Reset. Its long-anticipated Beast System is almost in place.

  2. Clearly, most of these people are swindlers and liars. Nothing they say should be believed. So why are you all believing their story about a gunman entering two mosques in Christchurch and shooting assembled worshipers? Where is the incontrovertible evidence that these attacks actually occurred? (And please don’t cite that ludicrous “live stream”.)

    1. This evidence comes courtesy of many newly wealthy Chch Islamics, and we don’t have any squeelers amongst them, yet, but they will come.

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