Mass killer sees NZ as haven in Islam conflict

A New Zealand MP is among dozens condemned by Norway’s mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik in his bizarre manifesto.

He claims Labour list MP Ashraf Choudhary, whom he calls Ashram, struggles with his role as Muslim representative in parliament.

Breivik also writes that white Europeans will flee to New Zealand in an apocalyptic war sparked by the “gradual Islamisation” of Europe.

He admitted to planting a car bomb in Oslo a week ago and attacking a summer camp on an island near the city, killing 77 people, including a New Zealand-born teen.

Just over an hour before the bomb went off, he emailed his manifesto to 1003 recipients.

“This is a gift for you… I ask you to distribute this book to everyone you know.”

In the rambling piece, he claims that Nato troops, including New Zealanders, are defending people in Afghanistan known to advocate stoning.

“Ashram Choudhary, Muslim MP in New Zealand, will not condemn the traditional Koran punishment of stoning to death some homosexuals and people who have extramarital affairs,” Breivik writes. “But the Labour MP – who has struggled with his `role’ as the sole parliamentary representative of the local Muslim community – assures that he is not advocating the practice in the West.”

Choudhary says he finds it bizarre that he was mentioned. “He is a terrorist and we should condemn what he has done and that is all I really want to say.”

In 2005, Choudhary said he did not advocate stoning in New Zealand but added that the Koran was correct “in those societies, not here in New Zealand”.

Breivik paints a weird picture of knights fighting Muslims across Europe, and he includes pages of honours and awards available to people – including New Zealanders – for acts including executing traitors and heads of state.

“The situation in the Old West in Europe is right now more serious than in the New West, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand,” he writes in the 1500-page manifesto.

He points to the Netherlands. “Today, all too many Dutch citizens seem confused, fearful, and resigned to gradual Islamisation. No wonder many of them – especially the young and educated – are emigrating to places like Canada, Australia and New Zealand.”

He quotes German anti-Islamic columnist Henryk Broder urging young people get out and “move to Australia or New Zealand. That is the only option they have if they want to avoid the plagues that will turn the old continent uninhabitable”.

Breivik says that after the civil war in Europe is won, and Islam expelled, a new “European Federation” would be created, which would include New Zealand.

“We should create a new economical zone – European Federation – where: Europe, US, Russia (+ Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel) have certain privileges,” he says.

“[When] we defeat cultural communism/multiculturalism here (between 2050-2090), the US will most likely choose to adapt voluntarily or forcefully by the hand of their own people. The same will likely occur in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.”

Mass killer sees NZ as haven in Islam conflict

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