UN will work with Taliban

UN will work with Taliban to instill sharia in children

Reuters news agency reports that UN will work with Taliban, the faithful Islamic leadership of Afghanistan, to instill sharia law within it’s children. Afghanistans new faithful Muslim leadership were quick to claim the nations pre-teen girls as jihadi brides as America was withdrawing. They’re closely following the writing of the prophet they claim are inspired. The UN will work with Taliban to instill sharia in children via UNICEF, which will be funding the program, is largely financed by Western Christians.

UN will work with Taliban

GENEVA, Aug 17 (Reuters) – The chief of field operations of the U.N. children’s agency expressed cautious optimism about working with Taliban officials following their seizure of power in Afghanistan, citing their early expressions of support for girls’ education.

The U.N. children’s agency (UNICEF) is still delivering aid to most parts of the country and has held initial meetings with new Taliban representatives in recently seized cities like Kandahar, Herat and Jalalabad.

“We have ongoing discussions, we are quite optimistic based on those discussions,” UNICEF’s chief of field operations in Afghanistan, Mustapha Ben Messaoud, told a U.N. briefing, adding that 11 out of 13 field offices were currently operational.

“We have not a single issue with the Taliban in those field offices.”

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 following strict Islamic law, forbidding women from working. Girls were not allowed to attend school and women had to cover their faces and be accompanied by a male relative if they wanted to venture out of their homes.

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned on Monday of “chilling” curbs on human rights under the Taliban and mounting violations against women and girls and a U.N. official warned on Tuesday that thousands of Afghan rights workers were at risk.

UNICEF cited some Taliban local representatives as saying they were waiting for guidance from their leaders on the issue of educating girls, while others have said they want schools “up and running”.

One Taliban health director in Heratwhere UNICEF is the only U.N. agency present had also asked female employees to report to duty, Ben Messaoud said. UNICEF had not yet established a direct communication with the Taliban in the capital Kabul, he added.

Rupert Colville, spokesman for Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the worries of many Afghans about the Taliban were “thoroughly understandable”.

“We call on the Taliban to demonstrate through their actions, not just their words, that the fears for the safety of so many people from so many different walks of life are addressed,” he said.

Unlike many countries which are scrambling to evacuate their diplomats from the country, the United Nations does not plan staff evacuations and is appealing for additional aid for its operations amid warnings of growing humanitarian needs.

However, U.N. dealings with the Taliban, designated by its Security Council as a terrorist organisation, may raise questions among donors.

More than half a million people have been displaced within the country since the beginning of the year with U.N. agencies warning of a “humanitarian catastrophe” as hunger spreads.


One comment

  1. Another attempt at trying to pretend Islam is anything but nonsense, lies and delusion by Western authorities. Be honest UN! Islam causes the majority of problems around the world.

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