Auckland hamas allies unite

Auckland HAMAS allies unite for anniversary celebration

On Saturday in Auckland HAMAS allies, Unite Union included, joined in celebration the 1st anniversary of their most successful kidnapping, rape and murder jaunt in decades, which happened on October 7th 2023. Along with Hamas, PLO and Unite Union were the remnants of the Aotearoa Maori Muslim Association, which later rebranded itself to Islamic State of Aotearoa, still wearing their coronavirus masks.

hamas allies unite maori isis

After the usual “from the river to the sea” chanting they got straight into how everyone who didn’t support their violence was evil.

From the Quran:

3:151. We will cast terror into the hearts of
those who disbelieve for what they
have associated with God of which He
had not sent down [any] authority. And
their refuge will be the Fire, and
wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.

2:191. And kill them wherever you overtake
them and expel them from wherever
they have expelled you, and unbelief is
worse than killing.

2:193. Fight them until there is no [more] unbelief
and [until] religion [i.e., worship]
is [acknowledged to be] for God.

These Maori seem unaware that it was because of the trade union partnership with FIANZ, who represents NZ Muslims, that their grandparents had to leave their ancestral lands and dairy industry jobs and come to the big cities for work. That international halal trade agreement was the first major globalist victory for the trade unions in NZ that broke our traditional trading partner links.

International trade union activists have long been openly promoting violent opposition to NZ government by Maori, so it was easy to gain them as allies in their international jihad.

These pro-HAMAS rallys openly advocating for Islamic jihad as per the Qurans instructions to cleanse the world of all opposition to their agenda are popular with people like Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen. The NZ media openly promote this type of terrorism by promoting these social justice warriors.

This Auckland HAMAS allies, unite union and Maori ISIS included, rally brought together the same allies, the militant trade unions, militant Muslims, and militant Maori, have been working together for decades to promote wars around the world here in NZ. The vile hateful rhetoric is always the same, stirring racial hatred amongst Kiwi’s while trying to promote the globalist Marxist agenda with violence and hatred, as they did at the Posie Parker rally in Albert Park.

Their trade union connections with Maori and Labour MP’s guarantee assistance to try and wipe all evidence of opposition from the internet.

As the videos in the links above show, this isn’t the first one of these protests, and it won’t be the last. But we encourage everyone to read the koran with a historically aware perspective to see where this violent rhetoric comes from, so they can know where this group of protest organisers want to lead them.

And you’re welcome to join as they celebrate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the eternal Quran by the Egyptian scholars in 1924! Education is the key to a peaceful society.


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