daily someone is stabbed in Auckland

Daily someone is stabbed in Auckland

New Zealand is following Londons trends when it comes to crime, and in particular stabbings!  Daily someone is stabbed in Auckland, and this follows a trend in London that was evident since 2020: Knife crime in England and Wales reached a historic high in the year leading up to the end of March, as murders climb again in Sadiq Khan’s London.

Auckland has all the same ingredients for such a crime spree as London now.

Quran 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Quran 8:12 [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.”

It’s mental illness they say. And like London, most offenders have name suppression.

daily someone is stabbed in Auckland

This from NewstalkZb:

At least one Aucklander is hospitalised with stabbing injuries every day, new figures reveal, sparking fresh concerns about community safety across the city.

The knife injury figures come amid a surge in gun violence and drive-by shootings which have left many residents in the city’s west and southern suburbs living in fear.

And a criminologist warns that recent high-profile stabbings in Christchurch and Auckland are likely to cause more people to carry knives for protection.

Documents released under the Official Information Act by Auckland’s three district health boards show the city’s blade victims suffered nearly 3000 cutting injuries in the last six years.

The treatment cost to taxpayers was nearly $20 million.

Auckland District Health Board has treated the lion’s share of the city’s stabbing victims, dealing with 2180 knife wounds since January 2016 – or 73 per cent of the city’s total.

Counties Manukau DHB recorded the next highest with 616 blade injuries, followed by Waitemat? DHB with 152.

Nearly 240 injuries involved youngsters treated at Starship children’s hospital.

While the figures include violent attacks and “assault by sharp objects”, they also cover other causes such as self-harm and injuries coded in the DHBs’ databases as a “stabbing” or a patient being treated after being “stabbed”.

Auckland has been rocked by several horrific stabbings.

In September seven people were brutally attacked by a knife-wielding terrorist in New Lynn’s Countdown supermarket.

Ahamed Samsudeen grabbed a knife from an aisle before setting upon unsuspecting shoppers. The Isis-inspired lone wolf, who was under 24-hour monitoring due to his threat level, was shot dead by police.

On June 23, an armed attacker randomly stabbed several strangers at Murrays Bay and Mairangi Bay with a “big knife” before being disarmed by members of the public.

A 41-year-old man is facing serious charges and remains in secure care at the Mason Clinic.

And Akash, 30, who goes by only one name, was sentenced last month to at least 15 years behind bars for the “barbaric” murder of his pregnant girlfriend.

Gurpreet Kaur, 22, suffered about 30 cutting and stab wounds inside Akash’s car in 2016.

On June 25, three people were wounded in separate stabbing incidents in central Auckland.

And police confirmed yesterday two people were stabbed at the West City mall in Henderson last Friday.

Auckland DHB confirmed that six people treated for stabbing injuries since 2016 had died.

Asked why its stabbing figures were so high relative to other areas, it said Auckland City Hospital was a regional trauma centre for stabbing injuries from Auckland and Northland.

“This means we receive the majority of serious trauma cases.” …

Canterbury University professor emeritus and leading criminologist Greg Newbold said knife crime tended to have an epidemic element.

A spate of stabbings often resulted in more people carrying knives for protection.

Recent high-profile attacks like the random killing of Christchurch mother Laisa Maraia Waka Tunidau could cause more people to carry knives due to a perceived risk of being stabbed, Newbold said.

“People start fights with people they think they can beat and the best way of equalising is to pull out a knife.”

Young people from working class areas and gang backgrounds were the most likely to carry knives, with knife crime often occurring late at night on the street, involving alcohol and strangers.

“People under the age of 25 quite often don’t have an appreciation of the consequences, legal or otherwise, of carrying a knife or using it on somebody. If someone punches you in the nose and you stab them in the guts, you’re in a barrel of trouble.”

T?maki Makaurau police deployment manager Superintendent Shanan Gray noted that several high-profile violent incidents in recent weeks across the city may have caused concern.

“We understand any incident that involves violence not only affects the victim, but has an impact on families, friends and the wider community.”

Gray said incidents resulting in stabbing injuries could involve various factors, which made comment on any specific trend difficult.

“Any incident where violence is used or threatened is not tolerated by police and the public can expect us to continue holding offenders to account.”

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