Christchurch shooting media mis-information

Christchurch shooting media mis-information

There has been much Christchurch shooting media mis-information and dis-information in New Zealand when our media discuss motives for the attack.

As you can tell from our earlier articles, overseas media have not had this problem.

If you were to ask Google for what motivated Brenton Tarrant, the only NZ media item to show on the first page failed to even mention it!
Christchurch shooting media mis-information

Much of the reason for this has been an agreement between the large state supported media outlets back in May 2019 when they agreed:
“The accused may try to use the trial as a platform to amplify “white supremacist and/or terrorist views or ideology”, they said, so the group has agreed to follow the following protocols:

  • (a) – We shall, to the extent that is compatible with the principles of open justice, limit any coverage of statements, that actively champion white supremacist or terrorist ideology.
  • (b) – For the avoidance of doubt the commitment set out at (a) shall include the accused’s manifesto document.
  • (c) – We will not broadcast or report on any message, imagery, symbols or signals (including hand signals) made by the accused or his associates promoting or supporting white supremacist ideology.
  • (d) – Where the inclusion of such signals in any images is unavoidable, the relevant parts of the image shall be pixelated.
  • (e) – To the greatest extent possible, the journalists that are selected by each of the outlets to cover the trial will be experienced personnel.
  • (f) – These guidelines may be varied at any time, subject to a variation signed by all parties.
  • (g) – This protocol shall continue in force indefinitely.”

This refusal by NZ media to discuss those motivations Brenton Tarrant does give in his so called manifesto allows them to create their own motivation with the snippets they do report.

The motivation they chose was ‘white supremacy’, although from our observations of overseas reports, we have not seen anywhere reported that the manifesto contained the words supreme or supremacy or superior. This indicates that Tarrant hasn’t mentioned being superior to anyone, so this is a label given to Tarrant by NZ media!

The New Zealand media still fed the NZ public snippets of mentions of Donald Trump, Candice Owens (btw she’s not white!) to justify their narrative from the manifesto. However, as the overseas media have discussed, Tarrant didn’t like Trump himself – only his success, he hated ‘conservatives’, and he admired communist China as a model for governance. By all standards, he’s another Jacinda Ardern supporter!

This partial revelation by the NZ media to back their white supremacy motivation narrative has led many here in New Zealand on what has been a witch-hunt for white people. Numerous trade union and Aotearoa Maori Muslim backed groups like Paparoa appeared overnight to hunt down white people, none of which had anything to do with the shooting, according to Tarrant’s manifesto at least. They knew that though. Paparoa have in turn influenced NZ media personalities like Patrick Gower with their narrative, who in turn have given Kiwi Muslims boldness to follow the Quran.

While sites like this have been vilified since it is run by a ‘white person’, sites like Christchurch Truth, run by a former Al Noor mosque member, and those of a former Maori TV staff reporter are ignored.

So how is what the NZ media said about this attack dis-information?

Brenton Tarrant tells us what motivated him to carry out this attack here in NZ. It wasn’t the Islamic violence he saw in Australia, or in his travels around the world, that caused him to attack here in New Zealand, but what he saw posted on Social media by Dunedin Muslims.
Dunedin mosque video
In a facebook post by the Otago Muslim Association, who run the Dunedin Mosque, there was a video titled “very Interesting video. Only for Muslims. Please do not redistribute” which alerted Tarrant that Muslims were the same all over the world. It was the prior history of Christchurch mosque in recruiting extremists by those who influenced the creation of this website that caused Tarrant to attack Al Noor.

The New Zealand media have hidden this, thus ensuring Christchurch shooting media mis-information and dis-information gives them room to create their own narrative.

Islamic terror attacks motivated Christchurch attack. Not “white supremacy”.  Quran (4:74) says “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”

It is tragic that the plea of Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Secretary of Nahdlatul Ulama, the world’s largest Muslim organisation, has fallen on deaf ears. Nothing has changed since Tarrants mad rampage. Staquf said that to prevent another Christchurch, Islam must confront the attacks in its name that have radicalised the West.

According to the Religion of Peace, in 2020 there were 2145 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 10147 people were killed and 7726 injured. This was up from the 1761 attacks recorded in 2019. Less than a hand-full of these were reported here in New Zealand by our media. Is this because Muslim lives/ black lives don’t matter to our media?


  1. As one of the indirect victims of the mad Australian’s attack (I own guns…and now not as many as before) I knew all this within a week of the shooting, as well as the failures of government and the police to do their duty, and yet the press managed to hide it and tell lies. Patrick Gower was one of the chief offenders in this and has gained much money and profile from it.
    The terrible price paid by innocent people at the Mosques by this man;’s outrage is tragic, but the government’s using it to further their Marxist agenda will prove to be even worse.
    The voices of Muslims in NZ were silenced on this matter too, and only the government line was permitted.
    I can only wish for truth and peace in NZ and the world….

    1. Agreed, however we come from different perspectives, whanau were recruited in Auckland prison by those who served to recruit at Chch mosque, and as a result kiwi’s were killed in jihad overseas from that mosque which has has been supporting terror for decades. But we knew mosque narrative was fake (real people died) as soon as Antifa and the govt started blaming us and targeting Kiwi’s for law changes!
      It’s likely the man was a plant.
      Patrick Gower first reported on jihad in NZ 2 decades ago. see his “tag” on this site for his older stories.
      A brief history of chch mosque is in the link at the top of the page “Christchurch”

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