No-one trusts Ardern, Terrorist tried to revoke his residency LynnMall terrorist involvement in the Easter Sunday bombing

No-one trusts Ardern to review LynnMall terrorist attack

No-one trusts Ardern to review the LynnMall terrorist attack with an unbiased agenda, especially after the way her government covered up the Christchurch shooting agenda in 2019 with their Royal Commission report.

Quran 100 year anniversary celebrations

From the Qurans handed out in Aotea Square: 5:89. God will not impose blame upon you for what is meaningless [249] in your oaths, [249] i.e., what is sworn to only out of habit of speech or what one utters carelessly without true intent.

It should be noted that not all Muslims follow the Quran here in New Zealand, but most will claim it is the word of their deity.

8:72. Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth and lives in the cause of God and those who gave shelter and aided – they are allies of one another.

The New Zealand Muslim Association have been complaining that they should have been the ones to rehabilitate this gentleman, however they were one of the first to tour radial hate preachers speaking at mosque after mosque throughout this country! (click on their tag link below).

There’s good reason that no-one trusts Ardern!

No-one trusts Ardern, Terrorist tried to revoke his residency LynnMall terrorist involvement in the Easter Sunday bombing

This from RNZ news:

There is widespread political scepticism as government watchdogs launch a review into key agencies’ actions in the lead-up to the LynnMall terror attack earlier this month.

Police, Corrections and intelligence services are to go under the microscope.

ACT says the government has already promised to fix gaps in the law, while the Greens and National say the review will miss important questions.

Three of eight people that Ahamed Samsudeen injured remain in hospital.

News of the official review into what happened before 3 September was warmly welcomed by Muslim leaders.

New Zealand Muslim Association president Ikhlaq Kashkari says it is a critical next step.

“For New Zealanders to learn and understand; is there something we could have done something different? Were there any shortcomings in the approach that we had taken?”

The Independent Police Conduct Authority, Office of the Inspectorate at the Department of Corrections, and Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security will carry out the review together.

They will investigate if their organisations did enough to assess – and respond – to the risk Samsudeen posed.

ACT leader David Seymour says he is confused about what the inquiry can offer, given the government is pushing ahead with an overhaul of terrorism laws later this month.

“Unfortunately, the prime minister made one of her typical knee-jerk, Christchurch crisis responses and as a result, we now have a very prejudiced situation where it’s going to be difficult for this inquiry to find the results that we’d like.”

Green MP Golriz Ghahraman says she is concerned about both the independence and scope of the review.

“What would have been nice to see and would have signalled a fresh approach that might be far more effective is if we had, ethnic community and mental health stakeholders, for example, at at that sort of inquiry table, raising the questions that we’ve never had answers about deradicalisation.”

However, Federation of Islamic Associations chair Abdur Razzaq welcomes the tri-agency approach, saying it will ensure independence.

He is also spearheading the federation’s own inquiry – seeking answers through the Official Information Act.

The official review will not dig into what happened before Samsudeen’s most recent time in custody, or any immigration-related decisions.

National’s counter-terrorism spokesperson Mark Mitchell says that risks missing the biggest questions.

“The burning question the public has and that we have is how was this guy still in the country and how was he allowed to be out in the community?

“And I think those are the two fundamental questions that the public want answered.”

The review is due to be completed by mid-March this year.

The Independent Police Conduct Authority is separately assessing the decision to shoot Ahamed Samsudeen.

From RNZ 16 Sept 2019:

The events preceding the LynnMall stabbings will be investigated by three agencies in a coordinated formal review.

The way Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen was managed in custody and in the seven weeks leading up to the attack will be examined by the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA), Office of the Inspectorate at the Department of Corrections, and Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.

They will ask if the police, Department of Corrections and New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) did enough to assess the risk that Samsudeen posed – and if they did enough to respond to that risk.

The review will look at how the agencies worked collectively and separately, but it will not look at what happened before Samsudeen’s most recent time in custody, nor any immigration-related decisions.

Meanwhile, the police and the IPCA are already undertaking a separate review into the decision to shoot Samsudeen.

The coordinated review is due for completion next March, when a public report will be made available.

In a written statement, the Department of Corrections National Commissioner, Rachel Leota welcomed the investigation.

“We, as have others, have been asking ourselves what more we could have done to prevent this tragic attack from occurring, and we are committed to working with the review team to ensure any material that is requested is made available to assist them.

“On behalf of Corrections, I would again like to acknowledge the victims of the attack. Our thoughts are with them as they continue to recover.”

The police declined to comment, but earlier this week they released statements from five victims of the attack.

An eighth victim has also been identified – a man who tried to stop the terrorist attacking a woman – and was tackled in the process.

Six people were directly stabbed in the attack in Countdown on 3 September, another one person injured.

Samsudeen, a 32-year-old refugee originally from Sri Lanka, was shot dead by undercover police within 90 seconds of launching the attack.

He had been under 24/7 surveillance since his release from prison seven weeks earlier, because he was deemed a terrorist threat.

One comment

  1. Muslims should be honest. It’s a requirement to live here in the West (Western culture is based on Christian values, despite the denial of leftists and Islamists). Islam has always been false. Allah really is imaginary. Muhammad was a liar and a deceiver. Koran is nonsense and lies. Muslims will never go to Islamic Paradise or Islamic Fire – both places are imaginary and false. See my site for more about how Islam is false.

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