Kiwi journalist seduced by Taliban

Kiwi journalist seduced by Taliban

It’s shameful to New Zealand, but not surprising, that a Kiwi journalist seduced by Taliban has made international headlines. Charlotte Bellis works for Al Jazeera. Not only did she ignore the behaviour reported worldwide as Taliban went door to door for the nations 12yo children to marry, and slaughter Christians with a Bible app on their mobile, but she didn’t follow up on how Islamic Sharia Law is administered by the Taliban. Al-Jazeera, the worlds signature Islamic TV network strategically employ staff from around the world, knowing their gloss will be broadcast in those nations. NZ Media will never speak out against sharia because TVNZ has appointed former Al Jazeera journalist Paul Yurisich as their new head of news and current affairs. It’s not just one Kiwi journalist seduced by Taliban, but the whole nations media.

Kiwi journalist seduced by Taliban

The Taliban seized the Afghan capital of Kabul just days ago — and for the first time since then, they addressed the world’s media on Tuesday during a press conference.

As the notorious group’s spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahed went on to claim “security and peace” — it was a young, blonde woman among a room full of male jihadis and reporters, that caught the world’s attention.

Her name is Charlotte Bellis, a New Zealand-born journalist who has been reporting on the ground from Kabul for Al Jazeera.

Despite dozens of fellow female journalists from the world’s media also stationed in the country’s capital, Bellis was only one of three female reporters who attended the Taliban’s press conference.

The 35-year-old forced the organisation’s leaders to address their attitude towards women after she took charge and asked the first question.

Bellis’ question centred around women’s rights, and given women and girls are believed to be some of the most at-risk people under the new Taliban regime — her question was of the utmost importance.

She asked whether Afghan women can be assured the right to continue work and study or if the new government would once again lock women and female children in their houses and refuse them education or jobs.

Under the Taliban’s previous regime, women were not allowed to work or have an education. They were also forced to wear burqas.

To this, the Taliban responded that women’s rights will be guaranteed “within the limits of Islam”.

Using the opportunity to push forward their new, apparently more modern persona, Mujahed told Bellis the “Islamic Emirate” was “committed to the rights of women”, although only “within our framework of Sharia”, suggesting women would still find their lives much restricted.

Bellis, who has also been using Twitter to give real-time updates of the unfolding Taliban takeover, shared a post in what appears to be after the press conference.

“Returned to my hotel to find hotel security replaced by Taliban members with AKs,” she wrote.

“They had parked their US-made humvees outside. Said good evening. They looked startled. And I walked into the lobby and ordered room service. Welcome to the new Kabul.”

It’s definitely the image the organisation wants to portray and by having the Kiwi journalist present among a sea full of men, with her hijab slightly pulled back to show her blonde hair, while questioning a Taliban leader, has been described as hugely symbolic.

In the regime’s previous incarnation, not only were female journalists barred, but a female alone in a room full of men was unthinkable.

“There should not be any confusion, we are sure the people of Afghanistan in the city of Kabul, that their properties and their lives are safe. There will be no revenge on anyone. We are the servants of the people and of this country,” he said.

Hakim’s colleagues praised her for maintaining her composure when she got the surprise call — and also for her probing interview.

As the Taliban try hard to push their new image, Afghan women are still not convinced they will be safe under the notorious group’s “new and peaceful” agenda.

Following the press conference, Bellis shared a report on Al Jazeera’s website that included a video of women speaking of their fear of “disappearing” under the new regime.

“I cannot believe them. People in Afghanistan never believe them,” one woman has said.

There’s also reports Taliban gangs are targeting children as young as 12, “going door-to-door” as they hunt for sex slaves after conquering Afghanistan.


  1. Makes you wonder why Afghanistan’s 300,000-man US-trained army, fully equipped with US weapons, simply melted away when confronted by what this article describes as a “notorious group”.

    1. Either 1, they were Muslim, or 2 they were Christian and didn’t want to leave their wives and kids at home alone when Taliban were around. But it could also be likely they were not trained as well as you would imagine. Have you seen the training videos of the guys doing press-ups? A couple were told off for humping the air!

      1. Yes, I’m still alive, and still working on the Christchurch “shootings”. I have found a picture of Temel the Turk in a hospital bed, with his left arm bandaged and clamped. He was definitely injured, but not, in my opinion, in the alleged shooting. I think he suffered the injury earlier, while participating in a high-risk sport. I also think that someone with medical knowledge might be able to tell us what kind of injury it was. Do you know such a person?

        The picture of the clamped arm is here:

        Later pictures show him wearing a compression bandage, and the final picture, showing the healed arm, is here:

        Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

  2. Thanks. Greatly appreciated. To me, the injury looks like a serious burn or abrasion. In any event, he has certainly capitalized on it. These days, he is often the only “survivor” who appears on television. The others, including hysterical giggler Adeeb Sami, seem to have faded out. (Maybe they had to tell him to shut up!)

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