Hatun Tash: Why Muslim stabbed me

Hatun Tash: Why Muslim stabbed me

Hatun Tash: Why Muslim stabbed me

Hatun Tash: Why Muslim stabbed me; she knows exactly why she was stabbed! This isn’t the first time Muslims have tried to silence her. Hatun is the daughter of a prominent Turkish Imam. She converted to Christianity and fled as a refugee from honour killing threats/attempts to the UK. As an Islamic women she grew up suffering the unspeakable that all girls suffer. She knows exactly what modern Islamic leaders teach, and now she’s in the West she’s had the freedom to instigate her religion herself.

Since the Egyptians created their own version of the Quranic texts in 1924, and certified it as the only true eternal pure unchanged words of their allah god,the Saudi’s and others in power and authority in the Islamic word have used that text as the basis for Islamic extremism around the world, including in New Zealand. They re-wrote the “Standard Islamic Narrative” (SIN) to paint the picture of a singular man called Muhammad (as opposed to the Arabic title “the Blessed One” which the words translates to) who received inspiration from Gabriel and produced an Arabic translation of what was already circulating in document form as Syrian-Aramaic Christian heresies.

And recently western scholars have discovered, as more and more material is translated from Arabic, that all modern Islamic scholars are also aware that “the standard narrative has holes in it“. Yet they still promote the SIN because it’s the only way they can make money out of their story. They could on their congregations not knowing Arabic themselves, and even fewer have the money to buy the expensive texts.

You can check from these downloads the contradictions in the Quran, Sayings of the prophet, and Biography of the prophet that easily prove the SIN wrong. The Biography and Sayings also disclose discussions from later generations of followers of their own interpretations and doubts of the SIN.

This video from “Christian Concern” she discusses the issue that most motivates her to speak out, and Muslims are listening and leaving Islam.  This is the second time she’s spoken out publicly about Sundays stabbing attempt.

[videopress dUhNuUvq]

It’s very simple: Islamic imams claim to have the eternal unchanged word of God. Jesus is the Eternal Unchanged Word of God. This even shows in the Arabic consonantal text of the Quran, as well as the Gospels.

Incidentally, this is why Muslim leaders around the world are so keep for Hate Speech laws; to stop other Muslims finding out the truth of Islam, which, as Mohammads child bride said, was only a religion of sexual pleasure.


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