Auckland Muslim is under monitoring

Auckland Muslim is under monitoring

Another Auckland Muslim is under monitoring by the courts after being found guilty of possessing ISIS material while under monitoring by the court for possessing ISIS material. These latest charges for this immigrant come while he is on Police supervision for earlier offenses of similar charges while living at an unnamed Auckland mosque.This is now known to be Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen.

Earlier caught and bailed distributing ISIS material was Jordayne Evan Thomas Madams (pictured below) who was in court on charges of possessing terrorist and child sex material. Both Madams, and this current Auckland Muslim is under monitoring are fans of Imran Patel who was jailed for distributing terrorist material. It should not come as a surprise that this Bailed Auckland jihadi reoffends because they really have few other options for following the prophet who was obsessed with war and sex. Madams was one of the more prominent members of the Aotearoa Maori Muslim Association in 2018.

Islamic State Watch encourages ALL to download the Quran, the life of the prophet, and the most common book of sayings of the prophet, and see for yourselves what NZ imams claim to be the eternal words of the perfect example of mankind from their god. Over 60% of the Quran deals with what to do with kaffir (unbelievers), and 80% of the prophets biography details his struggle (jihad) with kaffir, and almost 40% of the sayings (hadiths) deal with the struggle against kaffir.

3:138. This [Qur?an] is a clear statement to [all] the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of God.
139. So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.
140. If a wound should touch you ? there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound similar to it. And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that God may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs ? and God does not like the wrongdoers ?
141. And that God may purify the believers [through trials] and destroy the disbelievers.
142. Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while God has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast?
143. And you had certainly wished for death [i.e., martyrdom] before you encountered it, and you have [now] seen it [before you] while you were looking on.

It should be noted that violence is not required to defeat Islamic terrorism, only education. There has never been a time in history when more Muslims are leaving Islam because they have read the source material, previously hidden by their imams, for themselves. Without any ordinary Muslims encouraging terrorists that the their prophet is the perfect example of a man, sharia is the perfect law, and providing their finances, terrorists would have neither resources or encouragement to pursue their 72 virgins. Education defeats Islamic ideology.

Auckland Muslim is under monitoring

A man accused of being an Islamic State sympathiser will be monitored by authorities after being found guilty of possessing propaganda-style material for the terrorist organisation.

And police remain concerned about the 32-year-old, who has twice bought large hunting knives, and is considered to have “the means and motivation to commit violence in the community”.

Known only as S due to an interim suppression order, the man was sentenced to one year of supervision in the High Court at Auckland by Justice Sally Fitzgerald today.

During the hearing, the findings of a pre-sentence report were read by the judge which said S held extreme beliefs, lived an isolated lifestyle, displayed a sense of entitlement and supported the goals and methods of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis).

The report added S “had the means and motivation to commit violence in the community”.

His risk of reoffending was also considered high.

“I do not know whether those concerns are right but I sincerely hope they are not,” Justice Fitzgerald said. “They are not wholly fanciful.”

As part of his sentence, S is barred from having an internet-capable device without the approval of a probation officer and is required to surrender any devices and social media for police to check.

A jury was asked in May to consider three charges against S of possessing an objectionable publication relating to Isis.

The three publications were two audio videos with Arabic nasheeds (hymns and chants) and a seven-minute, violently graphic, Isis propaganda video.

S was found guilty of possessing the two nasheed publications, one of which was titled “What a victory for he who got Shahada” and featured an image of a black-clad fighter with a machine gun, Isis flag, and lyrics advocating for Jihad and decapitation.

The other, titled “We came to fill horror everywhere”, depicts men dressed in black with assault rifles, the Isis flag and a city on fire.

“We will drink from the blood of disbelievers,” the lyrics said.

But S was found not guilty of possessing the longer video, showing a prisoner being decapitated and another running with an explosive device strapped to him before exploding.

He was also charged with failing to comply with a police search, for which the jury found him guilty, but was acquitted of possession of an offensive weapon – a hunting knife.

Crown prosecutor Henry Steele said S had been held in custody for about three years and a supervision sentence was appropriate but authorities still held the same concerns about him.

“He has been a real concern to the Crown for a number of years and those concerns remain,” Steele said.

“GPS monitoring will not prevent Mr S from accessing the types of material which have resulted in the charges for which he has been found guilty.”

In his own words when giving evidence at trial, S claimed he was only interested in the centuries-old Islamic State established by the prophet Muhammad and learning about his religion.

“You guys put me in prison cause I’m a Muslim and you don’t like my religion, that makes you an enemy. Allah says you will be punished,” he said.

S’s lawyer Kieran Raftery QC said his client always felt he was entitled to listen to the nasheeds, which had English subtitles.

Raftery added S felt a strong sense of injustice to be convicted of for the two nasheeds when many more people had viewed the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooting video online without consequence.

Justice Fitzgerald said she didn’t accept S “simply stumbled” upon the Isis-related material but had an active interest in it.

The publications have since been declared objectionable by the Chief Censor for promoting acts of extreme violence, cruelty and terrorism. It was only the second time the Office of Film and Literature Classification was asked to look at Isis-related material.

Isis, also known by its Arabic name Daesh, is a designated terrorist organisation which at its peak in 2015 held large areas of Iraq and Syria in its quest to establish an Islamic state under Sharia law.

S first came to the attention of police in 2016 because of videos and pictures depicting graphic war-related violence, comments advocating for violent extremism and support for Isis terrorists being posted to his Facebook page.

Police gave him a formal warning but he continued his social media activity and posted further videos depicting extreme violence.

In 2017 he was arrested at Auckland International Airport as he prepared to leave on a flight to Malaysia and travel on to Singapore. He later said he was going for a holiday.

Today, Raftery said police undoubtedly believed S was on his way to Syria to fight for Isis.

A search was also carried out at his apartment in May 2017 and a large hunting knife was found under his bed, which S later told his jury was for his own protection.

Remanded in custody and denied bail, S pleaded guilty in June 2018 to representative charges of knowingly distributing restricted publications and other unrelated offences over credit card use. Police withdrew a charge relating to the knife.

In September 2018, Justice Edwin Wylie imposed a sentence of supervision.

The hunting knife S bought while on bail. Photo / NZ Herald

But while awaiting sentencing he was granted electronically monitored bail and again came to the attention of police when he went to an East Tamaki shop and bought an identical hunting knife.

“Exact same knife, same colour, same price, different place,” S told his jury when giving evidence.

Meanwhile, his internet searches while on bail, some of which had been electronically bookmarked, were described by Steel as a “window into his mind”.

They included “safety and security guidelines for lone-wolf mujahideen”, looking for a hunting knife, camouflage pants, Islamic State dress and New Zealand prison clothes and food.

S also made efforts to research the case of Imran Patel, an Isis supporter and the first person in New Zealand jailed for distributing extremist videos. Patel was stopped trying to leave New Zealand for Syria with a companion.

The internet history on S’s devices further revealed a booklet for Isis operatives to help them avoid detection by Western countries’ security and intelligence agencies.

An internet video also purported to provide instructions on “How to attack kuffar and how to make explosive devices”. Kuffar, or kafir, is an Arabic term used to describe an infidel or non-believer.

NZ Herald

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