Catchy #HalalZombie uprising breaks Arab internet

The latest mass uprising in the Western Arab world has been fanned by a viral video with a catchy tune by singer /wannabe jahadi Yehia Hafez. Found easily with the hashtag Mohammad Red Line, his latest has more than 7M facebook views, 200k shares and almost 9k comments in less than two weeks. The comments reveal the extent of mental illness in the Arab world.

Here are the lyrics:

Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten
Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten

Only the messenger of Allah (repeat)

May your tongue be dammed
Macron and France be dammed
Muhammad is purer than you
Don’t ever forget who you are
May your tongue be dammed
Macron and France be dammed
Muhammad is purer than you
Don’t ever forget who you are

Only the messenger of Allah (repeat)

Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten

Write this, record it and understand:
“Muhammad is much greater” [than what? sh1t?]
“We sacrafice our lives for him”
Let all of the world know
Write this, record it and understand:
“Muhammad is much greater” [than what? sh1t?]
“We sacrafice our lives for him”
Let all of the world know

Only the messenger of Allah (repeat)

Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten

O’ you who love Taha [another name for Mohammad]
This is our prophet, get up!
To honour this Ummah is islam
It calls us to [mindlessly] obey and respond
O’ you who love Taha [another name for Mohammad]
This is our prophet, get up!
To honour this Ummah is islam
It calls us to [mindlessly] obey and respond

Only the messenger of Allah (repeat)

Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten

They have gone to far
Insult, curses and [free] speech [actual histprical truth]
We respond [to the call] O Messenger of Allah
Your soldiers have stood up, stood up
They have gone to far
Insult, curses and [free] speech [actual histprical truth]
We respond [to the call] O Messenger of Allah
Your soldiers have stood up, stood up

Only the messenger of Allah (repeat)

Muhammad is a red line
And he has soldiers who roar
Listen, O World
The religion of Muhammad will not be beaten

Hafez clearly knows his koran!

3:151. We will cast terror into the hearts of
those who disbelieve for what they
have associated with God of which He
had not sent down [any] authority. And
their refuge will be the Fire, and
wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.

2:191. And kill them wherever you overtake
them and expel them from wherever
they have expelled you, and unbelief is
worse than killing.

2:193. Fight them until there is no [more] unbelief
and [until] religion [i.e., worship]
is [acknowledged to be] for God.

4:56. Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our
verses – We will drive them into a fire.
Every time their skins are roasted
through We will replace them with other
skins so they may taste the punishment.

4:74. So let those fight in the cause of God
who sell the life of this world for the
Hereafter. And he who fights in the
cause of God and is killed or achieves
victory – We will bestow upon him a
great reward.
75. And what is [the matter] with you that
you fight not in the cause of God and
[for] the oppressed among men, women,
and children who say, “Our Lord,
take us out of this city of oppressive
people and appoint for us from Yourself
a protector and appoint for us from
Yourself a helper?”
76. Those who believe fight in the cause of
God, and those who disbelieve fight in
the cause of taghut. So fight against
the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of
Satan has ever been weak.

7:2. [This is] a Book revealed to you, [O
Muhammad] – so let there not be in
your breast distress therefrom – that
you may warn thereby and as a reminder
to the believers.
3. Follow, [O mankind], what has been
revealed to you from your Lord and do
not follow other than Him any allies.
Little do you remember.
4. And how many cities have We destroyed,
and Our punishment came to
them at night or while they were sleeping
at noon.

7:178. Whoever God guides – he is the
[rightly] guided; and whoever He sends
astray – it is those who are the losers.

8:12. [Remember] when your Lord inspired
to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen
those who have believed. I will
cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the
necks and strike from them every fingertip.”
13. That is because they opposed God and
His Messenger. And whoever opposes
God and His Messenger – indeed, God
is severe in penalty.

Etc., etc., etc….







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