NZ Muslims back LGBT agenda to win power in 2020 Election

While it’s no secret that Jacinda Ardern wants to ban Christian based counseling of those with gender dysphoria, and her party members seek to be the world’s most rainbow parliament, including reforming glbt adoptions, Kiwi Muslims see Ardern as their free ticket into power. This despite it being Ardern’s governments that relaxed gun laws allowing Tarrant to arm himself.

Imam Gamal Fouda turned up with a group of his men to be with Ardern at Riccarton Mall in Christchurch for Election photo opportunities as she walked through the shopping complex on Wednesday afternoon. Fouda has been a Labour member since 2014 and is currently on the local board. Gamal is renowned for his support of sharia law in every aspect of Kiwi life, especially for his preaching on hitting women who are mouthy, while at the same time pushing for ‘hate-speech’ laws for those who reveal his trade secrets.

While claiming to be a religion just like Christianity, the Islamic community here have always sought influence so they can pull down the specifically traditional Judeo-Christian values of our New Zealand society.  New Zealand’s first Islamic MP, Ashraf Choudhary, refused to vote against the Prostitution Law Reform Bill in 2003 which led to the extreme law being passed by one single vote.

The local Islamic community also enjoy both polygamous marriages, and celebrate child marriage here in New Zealand, with many registered and even government sponsored charities set up to help women and children adjust to living in New Zealand’s not-yet-sharia conditions.

But perhaps the least known difference between Islamic and traditional Judeo-Christian moral values is Islam’s acceptance and celebration of the LGBT community. Which is why New Zealand’s Labour Party Islamic royalty are queuing up for photo opportunities to secure votes for Ardern who hasn’t been shy to deliver on her promises to them, even broadcasting the prayer of Islamic submission over the nationals airwaves.

LGBT mosques can be found in Paris, Australia, Canada, USA and South Africa.

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