Manus refugee rapist died

Manus refugee rapist is jailed

Another Manus refugee rapist is jailed for raping a teenage girl.  The Manus Island saga appears to have been engineered especially to get violent political idealists in Western nations.

Manus refugee rapist died

The Post Courier reported Pakistani refugee Mohammad Nasir Hussein was sentenced last week at the National Court in Lorengau.

He was convicted of persistent sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl, whom he befriended and spent three nights with at a Lorengau lodge.

Hussein was sentenced to six years in jail, but Judge Sinclair Gora deducted three years for mitigating factors.

He will serve his sentence at Bomana prison in Port Moresby.

Manus Island police chief David Yapu said Hussein was the second refugee convicted for sexual offences in Manus province.

The first is serving his sentence in Lorengau prison.

Earlier offenders had died while waiting trial. When the others are caught, this will not be the only time a Manus refugee rapist is jailed!

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