Tehran Times: New Zealand False Flag Event.

TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

Q. You are well known as a former spy, and you have also said many times on the public record that you managed a false flag operation for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). You have also written three books and two chapters on specific false flag operations – False Flag Attacks – Tool of the Deep State, 9/11 Truth, Sandy Hook TruthOrlando Atrocity, and Paris 11/13. In brief, what is a false flag attack?

A. The term originated in maritime warfare, where pirates as well as countries such as Spain and France, would fly the flag of their prey so they could sail closer and mount a surprise attack.  The term today means nothing more or less than “not as it appears.” This means that the event did not happen the way the government says it did; it was not carried out for the reasons the government says it was; and both the attacker and the victims are not as they appear.  In the USA most attackers are patsies, some mind-controlled, and most victims are crisis actors or paid locals who are then sworn to secrecy using national security warrants that threaten them with life in prison if they tell the truth about the event.

Q. The attack on a mosque in New Zealand by an alleged white supremacist appears to have many questionable aspects. In broad terms, what do you think happened?

A. A careful analysis of all available information, including a complete technical as well as military analytic review of the full video tape, suggests that this was a false flag event. We need Muslim and US white nationalist investigators on the ground to determine if anyone actually died, all indications are that no one died, this appears to have been a completely staged event managed by the Mossad in complicity with corrupt New Zealand police and national authorities, and corrupt Freemasons. Let me point out that most Freemasons are honest decent people.  I believe the Chinese Freemasons particularly are intent on the future of Freemasonry to be about the good of all, and this apparent crime against humanity by New Zealand Freemasons should see them cast out of the international order.

Q. Before I ask for specific reasons why you challenge the official narrative – that a lone white man killed at least fifty Muslims and wounded at least 50 more mostly Muslims – let me ask about motive. Assuming you are correct and this was a staged event followed by immediate global censorship to block common sense challenges, what was the purpose of this event?

A. I am so glad you asked that, because my answer could help to unite Muslims everywhere with white nationalists in the USA and perhaps in other countries. This event was designed with two objectives. The first is to demonize white nationalists who support President Donald Trump, and to set the stage for disarming them in violation of the US Constitution by using a flood of new “red flag” laws that the Deep State is attempting to push through in the USA. Just as the Zionists assassinated John F. Kennedy Junior to clear the way for Hillary Clinton to buy her Senate seat in New York, they are seeking here to help the Democrats defeat President Trump in 2020. My colleague Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer, has published a useful analysis of objectives and tactics for this event.

In New Zealand, where the government is a mix of good – criticizing Zionist Israel – and bad – seeking to confiscate weapons – this false flag event is clearly being used as a deception to justify the disarming of the public.

The second objective is to set the stage for World War III. I will predict right now that at least two Muslim mind-control patsies will murder – for real – at least 20 kindergarten children in the USA immediately before Syria launches its promised attack to remove the Zionists from the Golan Heights where oil has been discovered.  The Zionists are desperate to keep the Golan Heights and to draw the USA into a Middle Eastern general war. False flag operations as well as the bribery and blackmail of most US Members of Congress and key Senior Executive Service officials is how they get their way.

Let me say very clearly that I believe that this event, for the first time in modern history, gives white nationalists in the USA, and Muslims world-wide, a foundation for coming together against Zionist Israel. I want to see a Muslim investigative team in New Zealand immediately, and I want the exposure of this atrocity to bring down the government of New Zealand and force President Donald Trump to honor his campaign promise to fully disclose the who, how, what, and why of 9/11, which will end the reign of terror by Zionists in the USA. If invited, I would be honored to donate my time and join the team, I am quite certain I can extract the truth from the alleged shooter within 24 hours. Sadly, I would not be surprised to see the alleged shooter die in the next few days, allegedly by his own hand, to silence him forever.

Q. What is a “red flag” law?

A.  Thank you for asking. A “red flag” law is a very unconstitutional law that is being passed by US states that do not believe in the US Constitution and the right to bear arms. In Maryland a man was assassinated by police recently when they went to confiscate his weapons without notice.  A red flag law allows anyone – someone you owe money to, for example – to tell the police that they feel “threatened” by you, and this – without due process, without a judge, without a hearing – allows the police to demand your guns. If someone wanted to assassinate me, arranging for a “red flag” report so that I am disarmed first by the police, without actual just cause, would be the perfect preamble.

Q. Isn’t it far-fetched to think that Muslims themselves would participate in a false flag event desecrating their own mosque?

A. You raise a very important point, and this is one of the reasons I want a Muslim investigative team on the ground as soon as possible.  In my experience most Muslims are very eager to accommodate the authorities and demonstrate that they have assimilated and are loyal to their adopted country. I strongly suspect the participants were given incentives they could not refuse and their participation was demanded as a condition of their continuing to enjoy unencumbered residency in New Zealand.

Q. List for us the anomalies – the clear indications that this was a false flag event.

A. My list is drawn from both my own viewing of the movie, which is clearly full of special effects such as bullet casings that “disappear” and do not hit the ground, and the works of Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett,  James Fetzer as well as Baldrmedia and William Craddick.  I will divide my list into event anomalies and contextual anomalies.

Event Anomalies

1. These are clearly toy guns firing air and not ejecting casings or firing real bullets. In the video the bullet casings were added after the fact as a special effect.

2. With the exception of the alleged dead by the front door, who appear to have been staged beforehand, none of those allegedly killed in the video fall in spastic shock as real wounded do, and there are no blood splatters. Some of those lying dead are not actually shot in the video. Indeed, the shooter exits the mosque and then returns, this time we see some rather amateurish blood evidence, as if he had to leave so the special effects crew could come in.

3. The piles of bodies appear to have been there prior to the gunman entering. They are all in very unnatural positions, and interestingly, not a single one is face up, useful if you want to conceal all their identities.

4. Shots fired from a shotgun inside the car do not blow out the front windshield.

5. All traffic is blocked from the street during the event, as if the police had roadblocks set up.

6. The police do not arrive officially until 36 minutes after the first shot, never mind that their nearest station is two minutes away from the first mosque.

7. The video shows clear signs of having been technically altered, including the addition of bullet casings, after the fact, never mind the reality that the shooter was quickly arrested and had no time to edit anything.

Contextual Anomalies

1. The individual either is not who they say he is, or he is much older than they claim. Gordon Duff has documented his family history and it leads back to Zionist Israel in multiple ways.

2. The individual received an “inheritance” when he lost his family, a common Mossad technique for picking up promising orphaned males for mind-control projects, and spent years traveling including North Korea, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Syria and in training in Zionist Israel.

3. The shooter allegedly drove past at least two police stations enroute from the first to the second mosque.

4. Video exists of at least two others shooters, and evidence exists of at least four women in a tour group that appear to have been a Mossad support cell.

5. Government claims that this individual was not on their radar are a clear lie.  He was a known shooter in the Brice Rifle Club catering to military shooters and is known to have visited countries of concern including North Korea.

6. He is known by Turkey to have entered that country intent on carry out an assassination or some form of terror attack. Alone among all Muslim nations, Turkey has a team on the way to New Zealand where I expect they will be denied access to the prisoner and the mosques in fear of their quickly seeing this for what it is – a false flag provocation.

7. The government of New Zealand has entered into a censorship panic, and in the USA the Zionist- controlled social media notably Facebook and Twitter, are actively censoring the video particularly, and skeptical comments generally. The video, intended by its originators to defame white nationalists and anger Muslims, has clearly become a liability because watching it one is quickly convinced this is a false flag event – not what the government claims it to be.

If 50 people prove to be dead and another 50 wounded, which I do not believe, this makes it certain that there were multiple shooters and raises the possibility of dead being brought in from morgues around the country to build up the body count. One man with several magazines cannot, under any possible circumstances, do the claimed damages.

Q. You speak of mind control as if it were a routine matter. What can you tell us about this as it relates to terrorist incidents and assassination?

A. Let me first say that although I was a spy for the CIA, most of what I have learned about the evil associated with the CIA and also the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) – the two places where the Nazis took up residence after WWII – comes from non-fiction reading and debriefing others after I left CIA.  Nothing I have ever said in public violates my lifetime oath of secrecy as a spy.

Mind-control at CIA and NASA started with hypnosis and drugs and has advanced to electromagnetic “tuning” and early childhood pedophilic trauma leading to the creation of multiple personalities in a single body, and the ability to train people to do extraordinary things not normally expected – for example a chubby housewife able to crush a man’s throat when walking past him – and to wipe their minds clean after the fact.  The ability to convert totally innocent people into unwitting spies and on command assassins has long been the Holy Grail of the Mossad as well as the CIA.  I was surprised to learn NASA was so heavily engaged in this atrocity, it appears to be a result of their Nazi transplants combined with the desire to train super humans for long-range space missions.  Being evil comes easily when you have a great deal of money and no oversight.

I have about 40 posts on mind-control at my blog, and particularly recommend my review of TRANCE: Formation of America.

I am quite certain that most “active shooter” events are either staged or using a mind-controlled patsy who sometimes dies as part of the deal. I am especially troubled by law enforcement personnel being engaged in crimes against humanity and then being ordered to lie on the pretext of national security and with the threat to them of losing their pensions or going to prison for life.

Mind control – as with geoengineering, 5G genocide and ecocide communications, and legalized sterilization through vaccinations and other means – is out of control. There is no Western government I know of that is a genuine democracy. While I have high hopes for President Donald Trump, at this time he is fighting for his life against the Deep State and its Zionist under-belly, and we could still see the death of America the Beautiful.

Q. You are a Christian, a white nationalist but also a Latino of a Colombian mother, who has lived all over the world as the son of an oil engineer, as a Marine Corps infantry officer, and as a spy. You only became an anti-Zionist when they destroyed your #UNRIG election reform program co-founded with the great Dr. Cynthia McKinney. What is your final word to all Muslims on this matter?

A. In your last interview with me, “Is Zionism in the USA Over?” I ended my final answer to you by saying this:

I support our President, and I support Ilhan Omar. Each in their own way embodies all this is good within America the Beautiful.

The America that most Muslims have experienced is not America the Beautiful, the land of the free, where faith in God and loyalty to the Constitution – including the rights of free speech and freedom of religion – are core values. Most Muslims see the Deep State America in which virtual colonialism, predatory capitalism, and unilateral militarism are the norm.

I would say this to all Muslims: we white nationalists embrace Latinos and blacks and Muslims who are committed to God and country, to freedom and tolerance. We also share with all Muslims one big challenge: it is impossible to learn the truth from the US Government, from any government, or from the media, because all of the channels of communications are controlled.  I am reminded that the Prime Minister of Malaysia some years ago called for a Muslim Press Service because the Zionists control the world press and demonize Muslims.  Now they are demonizing white nationalists.

We all need a truth channel – a global to local network for sharing information that cannot be censored, a network where voices for the truth cannot be digitally assassinated, a network that can help educate the billions who wish to live in peace and prosperity together, a network that can achieve the sustainability goals within twenty years by using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) at ten to twenty percent the cost of the failed Western model.

This event in New Zealand is well-suited to bringing together US white nationalists and Muslim activists, against the Zionists, against the censored controlled media, against governments that believe they can deceive their citizens and the world with false flag events intended to disarm individual citizens on the one hand, and justify organized state-level violence on the other.

The truth at any cost lowers all others costs.  That is what I stand for.  I would be honored to be invited to join a Truth Commission, perhaps led by Indonesia and including representatives from India, Iran, and Turkey as well as Malaysia, focused on the atrocity in New Zealand. The truth can unite, the truth can heal, the truth can triumph.  May God bless all those who honor him with the truth.

Tehran Times: New Zealand False Flag Event.

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