Teenager charged with inciting ethnic hatred.

Teenager charged with inciting ethnic hatred.

A New Zealand teenager has been charged with inciting ethnic hatred today in Christchurch. Compare this with a moslems punishment for actually shooting someone:
Islamic Refugee escapes punishment for shooting man who racially attacked him.

Muslims know they can race bait and trash Hindu and Christian religious beliefs because they know they can get anyone who disagrees with them prosecuted as soon as they start winning the debate.

For a westerner to quote the koran, it’s hatred, yet for a muslim to quote the koran they follow, it’s their path to salvation.

And let’s see what what the Koran says:

3:151. We will cast terror into the hearts of
those who disbelieve for what they
have associated with God of which He
had not sent down [any] authority. And
their refuge will be the Fire, and
wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.

2:191. And kill them wherever you overtake
them and expel them from wherever
they have expelled you, and unbelief is
worse than killing.

2:193. Fight them until there is no [more] unbelief
and [until] religion [i.e., worship]
is [acknowledged to be] for God.

Christchurch mosque shootings: Teenager charged with inciting ethnic hatred.

A Christchurch man was arrested after yesterday’s mosque shootings for allegedly inciting racial or ethnic hatred.

The 18-year-old has been charged under Human Rights Act legislation.

It’s not clear if it was linked to the mosque massacres or their aftermath.

He is due to appear at Christchurch District Court on Monday.

A court document seen by the Herald alleges that yesterday the teen had intent to “excite hostility or ill-will against” against people in New Zealand on the grounds of “colour, race, ethnic or national origins” by the publishing or “written material which is insulting”.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of a $7000 fine.

The FIANZ terms for the Royal Commission: Seek out RATs!

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