Saudi teen granted asylum in Canada drinks wine, eats bacon in Snapchat images.

We hope she is still alive!

Rahaf Mohammed, the Saudi teen who was granted asylum in Canada last weekend, has posted photos of herself enjoying a glass of wine, a cigarette, and bacon on Snapchat.

Ms Mohammed, 18, was granted asylum after fleeing Saudi Arabia, where she feared being killed after being disowned by her family for not conforming to the country’s strict rules.

The teen has shared photos on Snapchat celebrating her new life since being in Canada.

Earlier this week Ms Mohammed posted a photo of her breakfast to the social media platform with the caption “Omg bacon,” which is controversial due to the Muslim religion’s ban on consuming pork products.

Photo credit: Snapchat/ Rahaf Mohammed.

Two photos posted more recently are of a glass of red wine and a lit cigarette.

Alcohol is banned completely in Saudi Arabia. The penalty for bringing it into the country or being caught with it can be sent to prison.

Another photo showed a Starbucks coffee cup sitting on Ms Mohammed’s lap, her legs seem to be bare from the knees down in a dress that would have broken dress code rules in Saudi Arabia.

Photo credit: Snapchat/ Rahaf Mohammed.

She captioned a video of herself walking a dog with “feeling free”.

She posted to her personal Twitter account on Saturday thanking those who supported her journey out of Saudi Arabia.

“I would like to thank you people for supporting me and saving my life.

“Truly I have never dreamed of this love and support, you are the spark that motivates me to be a better person.”

Ms Mohammed arrived in Canada on Sunday from Thailand, where she had locked herself in an airport hotel room resisting deportation till she was granted asylum to Canada on Saturday.

She addressed media in Canada following her arrival, and said that her goal is to help to support the freedom of more women like herself.

“I will work in support of freedom for women around the world.

“The same freedom I experienced on the first day I arrived in Canada.”

The refugee agency helping her settle in Canada has revealed they hired a bodyguard for the teen, amid threats to her safety.


Saudi teen granted asylum in Canada drinks wine, eats bacon in Snapchat images

One comment

  1. When I was in Saudi for Hajj, I ate fake ham and drank fake beer (both halal) at my five-star hotel in Jeddah. So consuming the genuine articles does not represent a big leap for Ms Mohammed.

    Today, I wouldn’t eat bacon, ham, or sausage even if they were declared halal, because all processed meats are carcinogenic. Likewise, science has found that there is no safe level of consumption of alcohol.

    You really have to decide what you want in life – good health, or what is popularly known as a “good time”. If you go for a “good time”, you have to be prepared to pay the price for that someday.

    It is often said that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. But there is a third thing that is certain: That in old age, you will wish you had made better choices when you were young.

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