Al-Qaeda releases tribute video of Christchurch mosque recruits killed in drone strikes.

The background to radicals at Christchurch mosque is available here: Compile: the long history of faithful Canterbury muslims.  Recently Kiwis have donated millions of dollars to help this mosque recruit more people to promote sharia law and create a global Islamic state. Has this mosque ever apologised for what they taught these men? No? Because it is ordinary Islam.  And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember (54:17). It even says so on the packaging!


An Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula video has revealed images of two New Zealand residents and identified them as fighters killed in a US drone strike in Yemen.


Al-Qaeda releases propaganda video of NZ fighters killed in US drone strikes in Yemen
This video is the first time the terrorist group has identified the pair. Source: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

It is the first time AQAP have identified the pair.

Darryl Jones is pictured in the video and captioned with the name Abu Suhaib Australi and that he was killed in an American raid in Hadramout, Yemen.

Darryl Jones’ Kiwi mother previously told TVNZ’s Sunday that police here said her son had used this name in Yemen and that DNA results confirmed he was killed in a US counterterrorism drone strike there in 2013.

She was told he had been killed with individuals involved in Islamic extremist activity including Australian born Christopher Havard.

Who was Christopher Havard? And why did he leave NZ? Watch Sunday’s investigation here

Darryl Jones, who went under the alias Abu Suhaib Australi. He was killed in an American raid in Hadramout. Source: Supplied

Havard is also pictured in the Al-Qaeda produced video and named as Abu Salma Australi.

Last year, Sunday revealed that Havard was living here and married to a New Zealander before leaving for Yemen in 2012, where he and other Al-Qaeda fighters kidnapped a Finnish couple.

Atte and Leila Kaleva were released after three months but managed to smuggle out a discarded strand of Harvard’s distinctive red hair.

DNA testing later revealed his identity.

Sunday tracked down Havard’s Muslim convert wife, Latifah Keen, in Christchurch who said her husband was kind and caring and that he had left suddenly saying he was intending to teach English in Yemen.

She could not accept his involvement in the kidnapping despite the DNA evidence.

Sunday sent Ms Keen the link to the Al-Qaeda video which she has viewed.

Christopher Havard married to a New Zealander before leaving for Yemen in 2012. He was killed in an American raid in Hadramout. Source: Supplied

She said she did not want to discuss what is in it.

Spies ‘executed’

The AQAP linked video, produced by their Al-Malahem Media Foundation, depicts US drones with a voice over claiming that Yemeni spies are being used to attach tracking devices to the cars carrying “Mujahideen” (those involved in Jihad) so drones can target and kill them.

Jones and Havard are shown with others described as mujahideen and killed by US drone strikes with the claim they were identified and tracked by spies.

Jones and Havard were travelling in a car when it was hit by a drone launched missile.

Two men, described as spies, are shown in the 20 minute video allegedly confessing their actions.

The video claims they are executed soon afterwards.


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