Auckland Muslim man beat daughter he thought was gay

“The man, 45, has six children. The woman, 25, is mother to three of them, the eldest of whom is now aged 14.”

So his wife was a child bride also after the culture of Mohammed.

Abuse trial: Muslim man beat daughter he thought was gay

A Muslim man repeatedly beat his teenage daughter with an umbrella when he thought she may be gay, and had a photo of a man having his throat cut hung up in the lounge.

The man and his wife – who both have name suppression to protect their children – today pleaded guilty to a raft of child abuse offences when they appeared at Auckland District Court this morning.

He admitted 16 counts of abuse, including hitting and slapping his six children, and striking a child with a horse whip, while his wife pleaded guilty to two counts of assault on a child.

One of his victims was aged just 5 at the time, and another an infant aged 1.

Details of the abuse meted out on the children — all aged under 15 at the time — have been revealed in a summary of facts document, released by Judge Charles Blackie following the court appearance today.

The man, 45, has six children. The woman, 25, is mother to three of them, the eldest of whom is now aged 14. They all lived together in their home in Auckland.

The court document said the man’s eldest daughter was repeatedly slapped and punched by her father over the years, including on one occasion when she was aged 13 when he “became angry over her use of Facebook and slapped the victim about the face”.

She fled to a teacher’s house.

On another occasion, two years later, he “became enraged” after hearing the same daughter had hugged and kissed a girl friend in school as a greeting, “sparking rumours of lesbianism”.

He was angry because homosexuality “is contrary and in direct conflict to his interpretation of the Islamic faith”, the summary of facts said.

The man beat his daughter with a blue and green checkered umbrella, first around the torso, and when she fled to the lounge, he followed her and continued to hit her “five times to her head and body”.

“The victim put up her arms to defend herself and in the process caused the umbrella to break on impact,” it states.

She suffered extensive bleeding from her nose, cuts to her hands, and bruises to her arms.

The man pleaded guilty to a charge of injuring with intent to injure in relation to that incident.

He also admitted a count of injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm over an incident in 2013 when he hit the same daughter around the head and torso with a stick after she took some of his synthetic cannabis to school.

“When the victim crouched over to protect herself from the barrage of punches, the defendant pulled up her head by the hair and punched her in the stomach before slapping her face several times.”

She suffered two black eyes, a broken tooth, a fractured nose and bruising to her back.

He also admitted using a horse whip as a weapon against his children, slapping and hitting them with a stick, and throwing objects including sticks, a hammer and bricks at one of his daughters.

He also admitted slapping his then 5-year-old son in the face and throwing him on the floor, and slapping his then 1-year-old son about the face.

Also revealed in the court documents was a “picture wall” in the lounge of the family home, on which the man had displayed “a large number of images containing injuries to adults and children”.

Among those images was a photograph of a man holding a gun and using his other hand to slit the throat of another man with a large knife.

“The image was in clear view of the victims who were often photographed and filmed standing in front of the ‘picture wall’.”

The image was deemed objectionable under the Films, Video and Publications Classification Act 1993, and he pleaded guilty to displaying objectionable material to persons aged under 18.

Judge Blackie convicted and remanded the couple — the man in custody, and the woman in bail — until sentencing in June.

The father has previously appeared before the courts, but the details were redacted from the court document provided to media.

The man was issued a first warning under the three strikes system over the injuring with intent conviction.

The couple had been due to stand trial at Auckland District Court yesterday.

However, the trial was adjourned and the couple entered guilty pleas in court this morning.

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