Life for Ranui double honour killing.

But honour killing is practised in his home country because it’s Sharia compliant. Getting Hep C from prostitutes and drugs. This is ordinary Islam.

Al misri


On the morning of May 19, 2014, Ishrat Malik called his daughter to tell her he had “finished” her mother and sister.

Farhat Rana Malik and her 18-year-old daughter, Sidra Noor Malik, lay dead in the family’s Ranui home, suffering more than 50 stab wounds between them.

Crown prosecutor Josh Shaw said the purpose of the phone call from Malik to his eldest daughter Rida “seems to have been to show she had not won”.

“A twisting of the knife, so to speak.”

In the High Court at Auckland this morning, Malik was jailed for life for the double murder with the prospect of parole only after 18 and a half years.

Justice Simon Moore today revealed the two victims had planned to move away from the killer to a new property the following day.

He said the murders were committed with a “high degree of brutality and callousness” and rejected the assertion he was remorseful.

The judge was particularly scathing of a letter written to the court by Malik.

“I’m not satisfied from this correspondence that you’re genuinely remorseful. You never mention your daughter, Sidra, who you also killed,” Justice Moore said.

“It’s plain that even 10 months after, you still seem to think you’re the one who was wronged and embarrassed by [your wife’s] decision to leave you.”

Early one morning, while the victims slept, Malik took a large kitchen knife and launched a frenzied attack against his wife.

She suffered more than 30 wounds all over her body.

As she bled to death Malik then turned the knife on his teenage daughter downstairs, who struggled to escape.

An ESR reconstruction shown in a previous hearing pictured her on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

She, too, suffered at least 25 wounds, from which she had no hope of surviving. When police arrived at the scene, they found Malik with “dry, crusty blood” completely covering his hands and forearms.

During a medical assessment he said: “I murdered them” and explained the circumstances to police in subsequent interviews.

Mrs Malik and her daughter had a protection order against Malik since Christmas Day, 2013.

Reading her victim-impact statement today, Rida Malik said she felt “numb … like I can never be normal again”.

“I never thought the first funeral I would have to go to in my life would be for my mum and younger sister,” she said, as Malik cried in the dock.

“I helped wash their bodies and saw every stab wound. I realised how evil he was and the struggle my mum and sister would have had to go through to try and stop him.”

In August Malik’s lawyer Paul Borich filed a psychologist’s report, which concluded his client was suffering from dissociative amnesia and could not meaningfully participate in the court process as a result.

He told doctors he had no memory of his age, name or his family but nearly all agreed there was a strong element of faking.

Dr Joseph Sakdalan described Malik’s role of patriarch as “controlling and manipulative” and said the killing was possibly caused by “narcissistic rage”.

About six months before the murders he had been diagnosed as having hepatitis C and he was frustrated his family were not tending to his needs enough.

Malik told police they ganged up on him and for days leading up to the incident had struggled to sleep as he had toyed with the idea of killing himself or the whole family.

Justice Moore said he would serve a life sentence in two senses.

“For the rest of your life, even if you are released, you will carry the weight and irreversible consequences of what you did,” he said.

“In addition to losing Farhat and Sidra, you have also lost the rest of your family.”

Life for man who killed wife and daughter


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