Their hands will be pregnant!!

Of course not all muslims are the same all over the world, NZ muslims are better…. This from our locals… for those who masturbate, their hands will be pregnant!

screenshot-www askfatwa co nz 2016-02-28 22-21-06 Their hands will be pregnant
Islam is scientific they tell us. Is this what they are teaching in the NZ Govt funded Islamic schools?

Masturbating is prohibited and a grave sin. Allah Ta’aala says in the Holy Quran: “Come not near to Al-fawaahish (shameful sins and indecent, lewd acts) whether committed openly or secretly”. (Surah al-an”aam Ayah-151) From the above Aayah, we learn that Allah Ta’aala does not allow any indecency whether open or hidden. This would include dirty acts such as masturbation, pornography, promiscuous fantasies, etc. In other words, “Come not near to Al-fawaahish” would not only mean abstaining from fornication but also abstaining from “preliminary motivations” such as looking at a strange woman without legitimate authority of Sharî’ah, shaking hands with her, kissing her, and indulging in dirty acts such as masturbation, pornography and promiscuous fantasies. Hence “come not near Al-fawaahish” forbids the preliminary motions also.

Atha Rahimahullah says that I heard that on the day of Resurrection a nation will be resurrected in the condition that their hands will be pregnant and I think it is those people who used to commit the act of masturbation. Saeed Bin Jubair Rahimahullah says that Allah Ta’aala punished nations who used to play with their private parts. [(Ibn Katheer Vl 3 Pg 249)], [(Roohul Ma’aani Vl 18 Pg 11)], [(Ma’aariful Quraan Vl 8 Pg 558)], [(Tafseer Mazhari Vl 10 Pg 68)]. It is thus definitely spiritually harmful to masturbate and let the sperm out. This can be understood from the warnings of masturbating mentioned above…

MASTURBATION As this link is no longer available, the full page is repeated here:

  • Posted on: 6 July 2013
  • By: sadmin

In the month of Ramadhaan we should increase in our worship however we should not lose all the spirituality by our sins. The example of this is like a bottle full of very delicious juice however there is a hole at the bottom of the utensil. Many times we make a lot of Ibaadah however we continue to sin which leaves us empty like the bottle. Therefore we should try to our best to save ourselves from the following: 1) Looking at the opposite gender. 2) Backbiting 3) Swearing 4) Consuming of Haraam food 5) Taking substances such as drugs 6) Covering ones ankles 7) Shaving the beard Happiness is from Allah Ta’ala, if the giver of happiness and tranquility is upset with us then we can only expect stress, anxiety, depression and suicide. If we please our Allah Ta’ala then we will see that our life will become Jannah. Allah Ta’ala give us the ability to stay away from all sins in this month which then becomes a means of us staying away from sin our entire life. Aameen.


Masturbating is prohibited and a grave sin. Allah Ta’aala says in the Holy Quran: “Come not near to Al-fawaahish (shameful sins and indecent, lewd acts) whether committed openly or secretly”. (Surah al-an”aam Ayah-151) From the above Aayah, we learn that Allah Ta’aala does not allow any indecency whether open or hidden. This would include dirty acts such as masturbation, pornography, promiscuous fantasies, etc. In other words, “Come not near to Al-fawaahish” would not only mean abstaining from fornication but also abstaining from “preliminary motivations” such as looking at a strange woman without legitimate authority of Sharî’ah, shaking hands with her, kissing her, and indulging in dirty acts such as masturbation, pornography and promiscuous fantasies. Hence “come not near Al-fawaahish” forbids the preliminary motions also.

Atha Rahimahullah says that I heard that on the day of Resurrection a nation will be resurrected in the condition that their hands will be pregnant and I think it is those people who used to commit the act of masturbation. Saeed Bin Jubair Rahimahullah says that Allah Ta’aala punished nations who used to play with their private parts. [(Ibn Katheer Vl 3 Pg 249)], [(Roohul Ma’aani Vl 18 Pg 11)], [(Ma’aariful Quraan Vl 8 Pg 558)], [(Tafseer Mazhari Vl 10 Pg 68)]. It is thus definitely spiritually harmful to masturbate and let the sperm out. This can be understood from the warnings of masturbating mentioned above.

In fact, physically too, harms of masturbating are manifest. Hence, medical doctors have mentioned harms the harms of masturbation. Some of these harms are as follows: (1) Masturbating weakens the eyesight. It considerably decreases the sight from its normal vision. (2) It weakens the nerves because of the effort required in doing this act. (3) It causes an unbalance in the digestive system, which then results in disorder of the digestive system. (4) It stops the body parts from growing especially the Urethra and the testicles resulting in not reaching its normal growth. (5) It causes pain in the spine resulting in a crooked and bent back. (6) It causes a person to shiver in some portions of his body like the legs. (7) It weakens the mind resulting an intelligent student to become weak in his perception. At times the effects reach such a limit that it causes insanity. (8) It weakens the penis by causing partial or total impotency. [Al-Istiqso’a-Li-Adillati-Tahreemil-Istimna Pg. 40)] Hence if a person fears that if he does not get married, he will fall in the act of masturbation then it will be necessary for such a person to get married if he can fulfill the requirements of marriage. In this way he will be using his sperm in the right avenue. He may also opt to keep long periods of fast that can then save him from doing this evil act of masturbation. [Shami (Vl 3 Pg. 6)]

Secondly, Allah( ?? ????? ) has created us and at the same time has created in us the ability to do good and evil. Says Allah in the Holy Quraan: “And a soul and Him who perfected it. And (he) inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and what is right for it.” (Surah Shams V-10,11)

So the wrath of Allah does not merely descend on this capability of evil since Allah himself has created it. But to activate this capability rather than control it, this brings down the wrath of Allah. And Allah Ta’ala has not burdened with us anything that is out of our capacity. To control our desires is in our capacity which is why Allah has ordained it upon us.

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (R.A) says: It is an accepted law and principle of Philosophy that capability is linked to opposites. If you have the capability of looking at beautiful ladies and lads then definitely you have the capability to stay away from such glancing i.e: An action which a person has the capacity to do, he has equal capability to stay away from that action.(Ruh ki Bimariyaa aur unka ilaaj Pg.16)

The ??? (self) is a creation of Allah which is monitored by the ??? (heart). This ??? has to be made subjected to the ??? (soul) otherwise, if the ??? overpowers the ??? then this leads a man to destruction. If however, the ??? overpowers the ??? then this causes the emergence of angelic qualities in a person.

The root to all such spiritual maladies is the love of any being besides Allah (??? ???? ). This is the root of ???  (polytheism).

Allamah Ibnul Qayyim writes in his famous work ????? ??????? Pg 167 V2:

And the cause of all these (maladies mentioned above) is the heart being empty and void of that for which it has being created i.e. Worship of Allah which actually embeds the love and honour of Allah and enhances one’s submission unto Him as well as obedience of Allah in His commands and adopting that which causes His pleasure and refraining from those things which He has prohibited. So when one experiences the sweetness of Imaan in his heart and tastes its sweetness then this makes him independent and relieves him from the love of others and befriending them. But if the heart is void of this then it demands to substitute this for that which it desires and take this to be its (so called) diety and this is (somehow) changing of one’s Deen and changing of that natural trait (of inclination towards Allah) upon which Allah has created (man).”

From this text it is evident that the root cause of the problem is what Allamah Ibnul Qayyim has mentioned. And this dilemma starts with incorrect or haraam glances or relations with women or young lads. Our advice is to get married as soon as possible. And if one does not have enough provisions to support a wife then keep abundant fasts perpetually. Rasulullah (sallalla hu alaihi wa sallam) has mentioned:

?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ? ???? ????? ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ? ??? ( ???? ??????? ???? ????? ???10)

This hadith indicates very clearly that if a person cannot afford to get married then, because he has desires, he must fast in abundance to keep his desires under control. If one does not fast then it is very difficult to control ones desires which then leads one to casting glances at ghair mahram women. This then further leads to masturbation which has a lot of repercussions.

Hadhrat Moulana Hakeem Akhtar Saheb(D.B) says: Casting evil glances has a lot of physical disadvantages. The bladder becomes weak which causes droplets of urine or seminal fluids to exit. Frequent nocturnal emissions which causes weakness of the mind and brain, weakness of the heart, nervousness, pain in the calves, blackouts, failure to learn one’s work, weakness of memory, no inclination to do anything, increase in anger, decrease/loss of sleep, loss of determination because sperm is of value to the body. By loss of sperm, the above mentioned consequences are hence obvious. (??? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?47  )  .

Problems such as not being able to study, lack of self confidence etc are linked to masturbation and evil glances. And once the love of Allah leaves a person’s heart then he does not feel like doing any form of Ibaadat. Even if he does it he will try to get over it as soon as possible. It is upon us to inculcate the love and fear of Allah in our hearts even though we cannot see him and be pleased with what He decides for us. Once a person diagnoses his problem then it is easy to stipulate its treatment. We advise one to adopt the following. At the same time make duaa unto Allah. We also make duaa that Allah grant all success in every aspect of ones life.

But remember well. Masturbation does not pay. It will cause more problems

Hence, one of the ways to expel this sickness is to look for the company of the pious servants of Allah Ta’?l?. Allah Ta’ala says in Surah al-Kahf: 28:

Retrain thyself along with those who cry unto their Lord morning and evening, seeking His countenance; and let not thine eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp of the life the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, who followeth his own lust and whose case hath been abandoned.

We will close with a few advices from the Pious Friends of Allah Ta’ala which will prove useful Insha-Allah.

Appoint a time to make sincere taubah. Have a bath, wear clean clothes and apply ‘Itr. Read two raka’aats salaah with the intention of salaah of repentance. After that make du’a and repent sincerely. In repenting, express extreme remorse for all your sins. Ask Allah Ta’ala to forgive all the sins that you have committed throughout your life, whether they be sins committed with the eyes or evil thoughts in the heart. Ask Allah Ta’ala to forgive you for all the evil passions that you have fulfilled with the body. Make a firm resolution to Allah Ta’ala that you will not go back to that sin. Beg Allah Ta’ala to forgive you considering that His mercy overpowers His anger.

Then read two raka’aats salaatul-Haajaat (salaah invoking the help of Allah Ta’ala). Ask Allah Ta’ala to free you from the shackles of your passions and desires. Ask Allah Ta’ala to make you from amongst His obedient servants so that you can lead a pure life. Ask Allah Ta’ala to instil such fear in you for Him that will keep you away from all bad deeds.

Take out a few minutes daily to ponder over this Aayah:

“Does he not know that Allah is watching.”

Spend a while realizing that Allah Ta’ala is watching you. Ponder that you are now thinking of the true beloved i.e. Allah Ta’ala. Ask Allah Ta’ala to make this condition of awareness that You (O Allah) are watching me stay firm in my heart so that I may not disobey you. Thank Allah Ta’ala that He had not exposed your sins when you were involved in it, or He had not destroyed you leaving you with no time to repent.

Even if you happen to see anything that will affect you heart or your mind, think of this Aayah.

Take out a little time to think about death. Imagine what will transpire if you happen to die at that moment. No time to greet everyone. The whole family will come to look at your body. They will prepare for washing your body. They will now refer to you as body. They’re trying to get you out of the house as fast as possible. All the faculties of sinning have ceased. You are being lowered into the grave all alone. The time for debate and justification is now over. Once you start getting close to Allah Ta’ala, the fear that you experience in this meditation will change into joy Insha-Allah.

Imagine that you are standing in front of Allah Ta’ala to give account of all your deeds on the Day of Judgement. Think of the offence that Allah Ta’ala will take that you had done these sins while living on His bounties. Imagine Allah Ta’ala commanding the Angels to drag you into Hell for your deeds, and at this moment ask for forgiveness, a good death, rectification of deeds and refuge from the wrath of Allah Ta’ala.

Think of the various punishments of Hell. Fire that will burn until it reaches the heart and the victim will not die nor will he faint, but he will have to endure the pain. The denizens of Hell will be put into columns of fire so that they won’t be able to move to relieve the pain. Their skins will be replaced to be burnt and endure suffering again. They will suffer extreme thirst and hunger. They will eat from an evil thorny tree and drink boiling water that will cause their stomachs to boil and burst. No one will ever escape.

Then beg Allah Ta’ala to save you from the punishment of Hell. Tell Him of our condition that we cannot stand being burnt on the finger with a match, so how will we endure the punishment of Jahannam. Cry and if you cannot cry that make a face of a crying person. Make sincere du’a, Insha-Allah leaving sin will become second nature to you.

Think of the bounties of Allah Ta’ala on you. Thank Allah Ta’ala for giving you the advantage of having Im?n. If you were a non-believer what would have been your position. Allah Ta’ala had denied people who were more deserving of Im?n than me like the Uncle of Rasulullah sallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Ab? T?lib. He had helped and supported Rasulullah sallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam throughout his mission. Allah Ta’ala deprived him of Im?n and He gave you Im?n. If Allah Ta’ala has given you such a great bounty without asking, what will be His response if you beg Him for forgiveness. Think that He still left this Im?n in you whilst committing your sins and He had all the power to destroy you. He could have exposed your sin for the world to see, but He hid it. Ask Him for company of the pious in this world and the hereafter. Ask Him to save you from the punishment of Hell.

The root initiation of all these types of thoughts is the abuse of our eyes. We should keep a strict check on ourselves that we do not look at those things that will affect our heart and mind. This will include women, beardless men and youngsters. Before going out into public places read two raka’aats of salaatul-haajaat and make this du’a telling Allah Ta’ala that you are handing your eyes and heart over to Him for safekeeping, and He is the best Protector. Try to remain in the state of wudhu, and keep remembering Allah Ta’ala. If you err, ask Him immediately for forgiveness and punish yourself by performing four ra’ka’aats of salaah and a certain amount of charity for every lustful gaze. If you did not err, thank Allah Ta’ala for it.

Ponder over the fading of beauty with age. If you happen to gaze at someone that attracts you, immediately think of an unattractive figure. Think that this is going to be the result of that attractive face after rotting in the grave: the body will be bloated, burst open, rotten, smelly, and full of worms. So what is the benefit in putting my heart in turmoil for such a thing. If the thought doesn’t go away, do the previously mentioned steps

The most import point is what we had mentioned first. That is to be consistently in the company of one of the Friends of Allah Ta’ala. Attend their lectures with punctuality. Make time to go out in Jama’at. Accordingly, you will spend a lot of time in the Musjid in the company of the Angels.

You should also start making thikr of Allah Ta’ala. The best way to get maximim benefit from thikr is to do thikr with the instruction of one of the Sheikhs in Tasawwuf. Also let him know of your condition and keep to his instructions for the cure. Our advice is to look for a Sheikh who is linked up to the ‘Ulema of Deoband.’

(Taken from ruh ki bimariya aur un ka ilaaj-Hakeem Akhtar Sahib (D.B), Zammul hawaa, Igaathatul-Lahfaan-Ibnul Qayyim(R.A) MAY ALLAH GIVE US TAWFEEQ

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